
  • This is based on the novels of Holly Jackson.   Five years ago, schoolgirl Andie Bell was murdered by her boyfriend Sal Singh. Case closed. The police know he did it. Everyone in town knows he did it. But smart and single minded Pip Fitz-Amobi isn't so sure and she’s determined to prove it. And if Sal Singh isn’t a murderer and the real killer is still out there, how far will the...
  • 剧情 
    曹德望(曹炳琨 饰)的妻子离世,只留下一个儿子——曹生(田浩宁 饰)。父子俩相依为命,一个意外打破了两人拮据但快乐的父子生活,曹德望须尽快将未成年的曹生安置到福利院。为此,曹德望需要开一张非亲生证明。这对父子背后的故事,才一点点被揭开……
  • 剧情 
    婚姻不幸的土耳其女子乌马伊(西贝尔·凯基莉 Sibel Kekilli 饰)不仅跟丈夫毫无爱情可言,更时常遭受丈夫的家庭暴力。悲剧的婚姻致使乌马伊带着儿子逃回了娘家德国。然而她悲剧的命运并没有因此终止,迎接她的非但不是一个可以依靠的温暖的家,而是家人的冷嘲热讽。为了声誉,家人居然极力劝她按照传统习俗,把儿子送回给土耳其的丈夫抚养。面对家人的冷眼和唾弃,善良宽容的乌马伊并没有放弃,她坚持自己抚养儿子,不得已下寄居在朋友家。然而这仅仅是悲剧的序曲,乌马伊带着儿子去看望病危的父亲,却不曾想到,等待她的,居然是自己弟弟的枪口。   本片不仅荣获2010年第60届柏林国际电影节欧洲院线大奖,还获得欧洲电影奖、德国电影奖在内的六次提名,三项大奖。
  • 剧情 
      This woman who came from who knows where says she came from france. She was sitting on a bench in neighborhood park, diligently playing a ch ild's recorder. With no money or means of supporting herself, she was advised to teach French. In that way she became a teacher to two Korean women. She likes to walk barefoot on the ground and lie down on rocks. And when she is up to it, she tries to see each instant in a non-verbal way, and to live her life as factually as possible. But life remains as hard as ever. She relies on Makkeolli everyday for a small bit of comfort.
  • 人道

    Humane is a Canada-Belgium co-production between Sparaga’s Victory Man Productions and Frakas Productions, which co-produced 2021 Palme d’Or winner Titane. The thriller chronicles the events at a family dinner, held after an environmental collapse where the world lost 20 percent of its population, when a father’s plan to enlist in the government’s new euthanasia program goes ho...
  • 剧情 
    尼古拉斯?尼克贝(查理?汉纳姆 饰)的父亲死后,家中失去经济支柱。他与母亲、妹妹便到了伦敦想要投靠伯父拉尔夫,拉尔夫是个惟利是图的人,他只想从尼古拉斯身上得到最多的得意。于是尼古拉斯被送到伯父好友沃克弗德(吉姆?布劳德本特 饰),但所谓的学校里面的孩子都遭沃克弗德夫妻虐待。尼古拉斯愤怒之下,教训了沃克弗德后便带着最可怜的史迈克(杰米?贝尔 饰)离开了。   路上他们得到过好心人帮助。得知妹妹凯特因伯父的关系险被破坏名声,尼古拉斯回到伦敦后与伯父断绝了关系。幸运的是他得到了采瑞博兄弟的赏识,得到了收入不菲的工作。而不幸的是相处已久的史迈克因病逝世。   拉尔夫不甘被反抗,暗地里想办法打垮尼古拉斯,但拉尔夫的助手正义的站到了尼古拉斯那边,向他通风报信。尼古拉斯对美丽的玛德琳(安妮?海瑟薇 饰)一见钟情,拉尔夫又想从中破坏他们之间的关系。这时拉尔夫正面临破产,而且...
  • 动作 
  •   The Victoria's Secret Fashion Show is an annual fashion show sponsored by Victoria's Secret, a brand of lingerie and sleepwear. Victoria's Secret uses the show to promote and market its goods in high-profile settings. The show features some of the world's leading fashion models such as current Victoria's Secret Angels Adriana Lima, Alessandra Ambrosio, Miranda Kerr, Doutzen Kroes, Behati Prinsloo, Candice Swanepoel, Erin Heatherton, Lily Aldridge, and Lindsay Ellingson.    American network television broadcasts the show during prime time. The first few shows in the 1990s were held in the days preceding Valentine's Day to promote the brand for this holiday. They were not aired on national television. In 1999 and 2000 the show was webcast. Beginning in 2001, the shows were moved ahead of the Christmas holiday season. Also in 2001, the show made its network television broadcast on ABC, though in all subsequent years, it has been broadcast on CBS. The show has been held at a variety of locations in different cities including Miami, Los Angeles, and Cannes. The first four shows were held at the Plaza Hotel in New York City, but since it has become a televised event it has most often been held at the Lexington Avenue Armory in New York City.    The show is a lavish event with elaborate costumed lingerie, varying music by leading entertainers, and set design according to the different themes running within the show. The show attracts hundreds of celebrities and entertainers, with special performers and acts every year. Each year, twenty to forty of the world's top fashion models are selected to perform in the fashion show. In a typical year, this includes about a half dozen women under contract to the company,[1] known as Victoria's Secret Angels, who help publicize the event. The giant angel wings worn by the models, as well as other wings of various forms and sizes such as butterfly, peacock, or devil wings, have become emblematic of the Victoria's Secret brand.
  • 剧情 
    A young woman juggling between odd jobs to support her agoraphobic father.
  •   1957年,法国女演员(埃曼纽尔•莉娃)来到日本广岛拍摄一部宣传和平的电影时,邂逅当地的建筑工程师(冈田英次),两人在短暂时间内忘记各自的有夫之妇、有妇之夫身份,产生忘我恋情。  然而因为广岛这块土地的特殊性,两人在激情相拥时,女演员脑海中总会闪现若干有关战争的残酷画面,建筑工程师也常令她回忆起她在战时于法国小城内韦尔与一名德国占领军的爱情。电影拍摄结束后,被纠缠的女演员感觉自己唯一能做的,是在有限的时间里,更加投入地把身体交于建筑工程师。
  • 纪录 
    视觉饕餮大餐   今年的《维多利亚的秘密-内衣秀》(The Victoria's Secret Fashion Show)12月6日晚在美国CBS电视台播出,这也是该电视时尚秀值得纪念的的十周年庆。   作为美国时尚秀开创性的尝试,10年前,知名女性内衣品牌Victoria's Secret开创性地与电视、网络等媒体合作,在美国国内推出电视时尚秀并定于每年举办一次,节目的新潮时尚、美丽动人不意外地在世界范围内引起狂潮名声大噪,而能够荣登该秀T型台的模特也都是在世界范围内精挑细选的顶尖人物,如Heidi Klum、Giselle Bundchen、Tyra Banks等。今年参加走秀的模特除了以上三人之外,年轻的Adriana Lima、Alessandra Ambrosio、Karolina Kurkova也依然是媒体和观众的焦点所在。而德国模特He...
  • 剧情 
      伊莎贝尔·阿佳妮将重返荧屏,出演由路易-朱利安·珀蒂导演的电视电影《卡罗尔·马蒂厄》。这是阿佳妮与Arte电视台继2008年《裙角飞扬的日子》之后的又一次合作。  阿佳妮饰演的角色生活在一个职员饱受性骚扰之苦的社会环境中,本片也将致力于推动类似问题的解决。本片的制片公司是Elemiah films。
  • 恐怖 
  • 伞中情

    黑帮教父错把一个喜剧演员当成了知名杀手,雇用他去谋杀绰号鳄鱼的大富翁。而这个浑浑噩噩的喜剧演员也误以为此行是去拍电影,便欣然上路。   依靠一柄内藏毒针的雨伞,喜剧演员同正牌杀手、富翁党羽、警察三伙人马展开了周旋,还要加上他那难缠的女友!喜剧演员一路误打误撞,过关斩将,最后不但摆脱了性命之忧,还把上了漂亮的警察,还又真正得到了一纸合约并去了戛纳,重要的是,他终于逃出了前女友的魔掌!
  •   熟悉的歌声响起,从小到大的她的影像出现,聚焦这个尚未满19岁的年轻歌手的崛起、她那些改变了自己和许多人人生的音乐、她台前幕后的生活。
  •   故事背景设定在《权力的游戏》中事件发生的约两百年前,讲述坦格利安家族的兴衰史。
  • 喜剧 
      Sous les dehors de la vie commune d'habitants d'un village de pêcheurs de la côte d’Opale, surgit la vie parallèle et épique de chevaliers d'empires interplanétaires. En proie aux luttes sanguinaires de ces clans à l'annonce de la naissance du Margat, Prince résurgent, mauve et immonde, Bête de la Fin des Temps, sis ici sur la Côte et marmot d'un jeune couple séparé, à l'ordinaire de leur condition dans un quartier résidentiel.
  • 八哥

  • 野马
