
  • 护航

    Summer 1941: Hitler invades the Soviet Union. Convoys of cargo ships with war materials began the perilous journey to Murmansk, and ordinary sailors face the German superiority in the icy Arctic sea, putting their lives at stake.
  • 该剧改编自斯考特·杜罗所著同名小说,讲述芝加哥检察官办公室发生了一起可怕的谋杀案后,检察官之一拉斯蒂·萨比奇(吉伦哈尔)成了犯罪嫌疑人。在被告为维持家庭和婚姻而奋斗的过程中,探索痴迷、性、政治以及爱情的力量和局限性。   内伽饰演拉斯蒂妻子芭芭拉,是名艺术家、画廊老板和母亲,她的生活在丈夫被指控谋杀他的情妇后被颠覆了,她在处理受伤的心和破碎的婚姻时也为家人而战,并与丈夫广为人知的审判作斗争。
  •   在战争开始时,内向的年轻士兵弗兰兹发现了一只受伤的狐狸幼崽,小狐狸在树林中孤苦无依的样子,让他仿佛看见了从小被父亲卖去农场主家的自己。他像照顾自己的孩子一样照顾它,并带到了被占领的法国。在养育狐狸的过程中,弗兰兹一直逃避的过去慢慢追上了他,是选择继续逃避这些伤心的回忆,还是直面它,弗兰兹陷入了深深的纠结。
  • 喜剧 
    1978年,有五虎之称的少年篮球队在赛事中最终获胜,他们的教练罗伯特鼓励少年们去夺取更大的人生胜利。三十年后,五虎之一的费德(亚当?桑德勒 Adam Sandler 饰)已经是好莱坞知名的大牌经纪人,他和妻子莱克斯(萨尔玛?海耶克 Salma Hayek 饰)生活无忧, 孩子们养尊处优。这天费德突然接到告知罗伯特教练逝世的电话,于是匆匆赶回新英格兰,和当年的四位队友一起参加葬礼。今日的家具商艾瑞克(凯文?詹姆斯 Kevin James 饰)、娶得老妻的卡林(罗伯?施奈德 Rob Schneider 饰)、吃软饭的科特(克里斯?洛克 Chris Rock 饰)以及西吉(大卫?史派德 David Spade 饰)和费德五个家庭一起回到年少时生活过的湖边别墅,他们在这里找到了被吵吵闹闹的日常生活淹没已久的珍贵情感……
  • 罗兰·拉菲特([她])、艾玛纽尔·贝克特([我的国王])主演新片[外出时刻]( L’heure de la sortie,暂译)进入拍摄后期。本片由塞巴斯蒂安·马赫尼耶自编自导。故事讲述皮埃尔因一位年轻老师自杀,作为填补进入圣·约瑟夫学院工作。他很快发现这里青少年散发着一种敌意。本片预计8月2日杀青。
  • 蒂娜

    HBO纪录片[蒂娜](Tina,暂译)释出先导预告。该片由[不可击败]导演丹尼尔·林赛、T·J·马丁执导。该片将讲述国际巨星蒂娜·特纳的传奇人生,影片将着重记录蒂娜80年代个人事业复苏时期,影片除了包括先前未曝光的档案资料外,还将有与蒂娜的采访资料。该片将于3月27日登陆HBO与HBO Max。
  • 恐怖 
  • 剧情 
  • 喜剧 
      邓迪(保罗·霍根 Paul Hogan 饰)自小被非洲土著抚养长大,故对于传统的狩猎技能颇为精通。一次意外中,一条凶猛的鳄鱼攻击了邓迪,在腿部受伤的情况下,邓迪制服了鳄鱼,并靠其异常坚韧的意志力最终获救。对于邓迪的英雄事迹,记者苏(琳达·科斯罗斯基 Linda Kozlowski 饰)十分感兴趣,为了写一篇关于邓迪的新闻报告,苏千里迢迢来到了澳大利亚。  在经历了充满惊险与刺激的野外生存之后,苏热情的将邓迪邀请到了她的“地盘”——大都市纽约。可是,从未见识过如此排场的邓迪在新生事物面前不仅显得十分胆怯,还闹出了不少的笑话。在潜移默化之间,邓迪和苏已然相互产生了好感,但苏已有男友梅森(马克·布鲁姆 Mark Blum 饰),两人婚期在即。分别的日子即将到来,苏和邓迪都无法掩饰失望之情。
  • 喜剧 
      A graduating high schooler navigates a world of seemingly inevitable chaos by finding order in the number 7.
  • 混蛋

    塞缪尔(汉斯·齐施勒 Hanns Zischler 饰)和科拉(西比勒·卡诺尼卡 Sibylle Canonica 饰)结婚多年,两人共同抚养着九岁的儿子尼古拉斯(Finn Kirschner 饰),日子在日复一日的平静之中缓慢的流逝着。然而一场噩梦突然降临到了这个家庭的头上,一天,尼古拉斯失踪了。   负责此案的犯罪心理学家梅尔内特(马蒂娜·戈黛特 Martina Gedeck 饰)介入到了这个家庭之中,在和科拉的相处过程中,梅尔内特逐渐察觉出了一丝诡异的气氛。一段令人震惊的录像带在校园之中传播开来,被囚禁的尼古拉斯正是录像带中的主角。录像带的出现让整个事件开始动摇和发酵,梅尔内特坚信,在这个看似美满的家庭之中,隐藏着不可告人的秘密。
  • 剧情 
  • 8月15日

      Mid-August in Paris (the title is a date: August 15) in a sunny, quiet apartment a young woman talks, thinks, reflects about herself, everyday life and little events in a long, uninterrupted monologue. The camera pictures her and her gestures in long, fixed shots moving around the rooms, the space, the light and shadows of a summer day.
  • 剧情 
    特丽莎(玛格丽特·提塞尔 Margarete Tiesel 饰)是一名看护士,年近五十的她早已经失去了曼妙的身材和清秀的面庞,然而,她却并没有失去追求爱的自由的权利。带着渴望被爱的愿望,特丽莎来到了火辣热情的非洲肯尼亚海滩,在那里,许多身材壮硕健美的年轻男孩等待着那些像特丽莎一样的年长女人们,他们将她们称之为“糖妈妈”。   生日那天,特丽莎的朋友们给她送了一份别出心裁的礼物——一个拥有完美身材的年轻人,然而,无论女人们怎样挑逗诱惑,年轻人却始终都提不起性质。之后,特丽莎遇到了酒店雇员,她想用金钱收买他,却遭到了前者无情的拒绝。一趟充满了放纵和情欲的旅行,带给特丽莎的却只有苦闷和失落。
  • 剧情 
      In the time of Counter-Reformation, a miller and his son come under investigation by a priest of the Inquisition, when rumors spread that their prosperity comes from working with the Devil.  The Devil's Trap is a film directed by František Vlá?il, based on a novel by Alfréd Technik, adapted by František A. Dvorák and Miloš Kratochvíl. It was the first of three historical dramas that Vlá?il made during the Czech New Wave (technically he isn't really a part of the New Wave, however these films were made during the same era of artistic freedom), preceding his more well known Marketa Lazarová (1967) and Valley of the Bees (1968).  Set in the late 16th Century during the Catholic Reformation, in the Moravian Karst, situated in what is now the Eastern Czech Republic, it tells the tale of a miller (Vítezslav Vejrazka), and his son Jan (Vít Olmer), who come under suspicion and are investigated by a Jesuit priest of the Inquisition (Miroslav Macháchek), when rumors of witchcraft are spread by the local regent (Cestmír Randa), who is jealous of the miller's prosperity and degree of respect among the local populace.  As expected from Vlá?il, this film is a stunning experience all the way through. From the opening shot, an ominous manipulation of perspective with a close up of a mangled figure of Christ dominating the foreground against a tiny figure in black walking along the horizon, to the breathtaking confrontational finale inside the vast stalactite filled Karst caverns, it is a wonderful display of visual mastery.  Maybe not quite as impressive as Marketa Lazarová, but still full of astonishing imagery. As seen from unique angles and distinct points of view which highlight the director's remarkable sense of awareness of framing, motion, and positioning on the emotional and dramatic tone of the scene. The most memorable being a repeated shot where the camera is suspended and launched with speed through the air towards the miller's door.  The story here is a simple one and I would say more accessible than his later works. With a conventional structure emphasized as much by its plot and characters, than by its expressionistic cinematography or authentic historical detail. The events play out without much surprise, and there is a strong underlying, almost supernatural, mysterious aspect that is left unresolved, in fact barely explored, which is slightly disappointing, but only because it's so fascinating that I wish there was more.  Acting is great all around. Particularly the villains: Miroslav Macháchek as the priest, casting a sinister and imposing shadow wherever he goes, and Cestmír Randa as the weasel like regent behind all the persecution. While Vít Olmer brings a charismatic leading man presence in his role as the miller's son Jan, in love with the lovely orphan girl Martina (Karla Chadimová), who becomes a dangerous object of rivalry between Jan and other young men of the village.  The film also features the evocative music of Zden?k Liška (perhaps the most prolific composer of the Czech New Wave). In this his second of eleven collaborations with Vlá?il, his compositions are used sparingly, but to great effect, complimenting but never overpowering a scene. The best example of which can be heard in an amazingly shot celebration and dance sequence at the end of the second act.  The Devil's Trap might not be a masterpiece, but it is still a strong effort, with a fascinating straightforward story and a glorious historical setting captured beautifully by Vlá?il's unmistakable visual prowess. A fine work that would also be the perfect starter plate to prepare yourself for the challenging feast of Marketa Lazarová or The Valley of the Bees. It even has an easy to digest running time. It's therefore puzzling why this gem remains largely overlooked and ignored.
  • 动作 
      故事发生在车水马龙的繁华大都市阿姆斯特丹,运河之中接连浮现的尸体让市民们陷入了恐慌的情绪之中,种种蛛丝马迹显示,这是一起由同一人所犯下的连环杀人案。案件的负责人是艾里克警探(休伯·史塔普 Huub Stapel 饰),心中的正义感让他决心定要找出隐藏在幕后的凶手。  在朋友约翰(Wim Zomer 饰)的协助下,艾里克将怀疑的目标放在了当地的潜水员圈子之中,他也因此结识了美丽善良的劳拉(莫妮卡·梵·德·冯 Monique van de Ven 饰)。功夫不负有心人,随着调查的深入,嫌疑人的身影终于浮出了水面,然而,在艾里克逐渐接近真相的同时,危险也慢慢地来到了他的身后。
  • 动物

    《动物》讲述了欲望、激情和理性这些相互矛盾又造就生活的力量。Mati和她的一群男性伙伴,控制着他们的村庄,他们取笑邻居,骚扰女孩们。但当Mati最亲密的朋友Sebastian爱上了她,而Mati与她的敌人Carla也不期然地成为了朋友,情况悄然改变;同时Mati的父母也面临着决择:表象与现实,哪个更重要?导演Katharina Mückstein曾为电影制片人,2013年凭借电影《塔利娅》成为导演,并分别获得奥地利电影节“最佳影片”奖和苏黎世电影节“金眼睛”奖提名。
  • 剧情 
    Julian, a 14-year old teenager, dies surrounded by the colorful products of a huge supermarket. The film is inspired by a true story and shows the rebellion of the local youth against the bleak life of suburbia.
  • 剧情 
    1862年,英国寡妇安娜(黛博拉?蔻尔)携子来到暹罗(泰国旧称),成为该国国王(尤?伯连纳)58个孩子的家庭教师。通过安娜,国王了解到西方现代文明的精华和内涵,安娜也知晓了对于一个东方国家的国王,最重要的事是维持自己的尊严和他的子民的风俗习惯。   某次招待外国贵宾的晚会成功举办后,安娜和国王为了庆祝,跳起欢情的舞蹈,但因为对国王惩罚与人偷情的新王妃一事有分歧发生争吵,这是两人之间因文化冲突呈现的复杂关系的一例。然而,尽管两人之间有很多不和协,他们仍取得了互相尊重,并且都爱上了对方。