
  • 特写

    德黑兰,记者法拉兹曼德前去报道年轻人霍塞·萨布齐恩因诈骗被捕的事件。原来,失业的油漆工萨布齐恩是一个影迷,他自称是著名导演穆赫辛·马克马尔巴夫,取得阔绰的阿汉卡赫一家信任,向他们借钱拍片。事发后,萨布齐恩被抓。导演阿巴斯·基亚罗斯塔米就此案展开了纪录片似的跟踪调查,他采访了警察,阿汉卡赫全家,以及萨布齐恩本人。   审讯过程中,萨布齐恩为骗取了阿汉卡赫一家的感情而后悔,但他说之所以这样做是因为对艺术的热爱,如果有钱,他真地会拍摄自己的电影。而且,假扮导演马克马尔巴夫赋予了他自信。最后,原告阿汉卡赫家撤销了起诉,而萨布齐恩也见到了真正的马克马尔巴夫,后者骑小摩托带这个年轻人重访阿汉卡赫。
  • 剧情 
  • 冷漠怪

    The summer before she goes away to college, Tamara encounters a girl with a scar on her chest. As the summer winds on, she finds herself increasingly attracted to Heartless.
  • Hulu announced on Wednesday that the Letterkenny spinoff Shoresy has been renewed for a third season, ahead of Season 2’s premiere this Friday. Six new episodes will shoot in Sudbury this fall.
  • 剧情 
    Yura (Clara Bernadeth), a poor girl who lives with adoptive parents, is lulled by hopes for life. She faces the complicated love triangle between Oka (Kevin Ardilio) and Christian (Giorgino Abraham). The story of dreams, romance, and emotions raging together.
  • 霓虹牛

  • 剧情 
  • 剧情 
  • 剧情 
      Just two weeks before Roya, a banned Iranian journalist, is set to emigrate from Iran to Denmark at her husband’s insistence, she encounters a quiet young girl. The girl seems lost and doesn’t remember anything. Roya takes her in, unaware that the girl has abandoned her previous life and now has come to replace Roya. A couple of days later, Roya finds out that she will be prohibited from leaving Iran unless she sells out a colleague to the government authorities. Soon after Roya refuses to betray her friend, the young girl steals Roya’s identity and takes over her life with the assistance of Roya’s husband, Babak. As Roya fights to recover her identity, she realises, to her surprise, that no one remembers her anymore and that everybody takes the lost girl to be her. Babak throws Roya out of the house, at which point the authorities decide that Roya is to be exiled to another life as a passive housewife named Hanieh.
  • 一位摄影师被派去拍摄山上一朵罕见的花,发现了被困在非法伐木者藏匿的妓院中的妇女。现在,他必须竭尽全力拯救他们
  •   Exploring the fallout of MIT Media Lab researcher Joy Buolamwini’s startling discovery that facial recognition does not see dark-skinned faces accurately, and her journey to push for the first-ever legislation in the U.S. to govern against bias in the algorithms that impact us all.
  •   设定在洛杉矶,讲述私人侦探约翰·休格(科林·法瑞尔 Colin Farrell 饰)调查好莱坞制片人Jonathan Siegel孙女的失踪案。
  • 喜剧 
    在外人眼中,格里夫(瑞恩·科万腾 Ryan Kwanten 饰)是个循规蹈矩的上班族,他的个性软弱怕事,生活简单划一,是个再平凡不过的普通人。然而,每当夜幕降临,格里夫这个他人眼中的普通人便会摇身一变,成为惩奸除恶的超级英雄,用自己微弱的力量维护着小镇上的和平。   “隐形”是格里夫梦寐以求的超能力,单纯的他对这一能力的存在深信不疑。格里夫的哥哥发现了弟弟一些不寻常的举动,他只当格里夫是个陷入幻想世界无法自拔的蠢蛋罢了,但这一切在格里夫的准嫂子梅勒迪(梅芙·德莫迪 Maeve Dermody 饰)的眼中却有了别样的意义,这个古灵精怪的姑娘不仅没有嘲笑格里夫,反而积极的帮助他寻找隐形的种种方法,日积月累间,两人擦出了感情的火花。
  • 多明戈

      On January 1, 2003, in the south of Brazil, Laura, matriarch of a family of the upper middle class, found his family in their country house, for a Sunday meal. But on this day of President Lula's inauguration, nothing is going according to plan. As an echo to this political earthquake, everything seems to be deregulated in the property: the domestic revolt, the house is visibly decayed, and the neuroses and secrets of three generations threaten to take everything away.
  • 《夏末失踪案》是一部黑色喜剧惊悚片,围绕一群形形色色的播客主播展开,他们要调查三个陌生人在田园般的爱尔兰海滨小镇神秘失踪的真相。但开始寻找线索之后,他们发现了一个奇怪超凡的故事,程度超乎想象。当我们的英雄们试图从虚构中辨别事实(关于案件、他们的同事,最痛苦的是,关于他们自己)时,该剧挑战了我们对真相的认知,揭露了我们为了证明自己的信念或恐惧会如何催眠自己。
  • 爱情 
      在他们的梦想中,他们必须奋斗而不必担心任何事。 但是他们的心,一起动摇了吗……
  • 爱情 
    Karl puts his life in Berlin on hold, only to wait every day at 3pm for the love of his life at Café Sacher in Vienna. But sometimes love happens to you, while you’re busy waiting for it...
  • 剧情 
    Ajo Kawir is a fighter who fears nothing, not even death. His raging urge to fight is driven by a secret: his impotence. When he crosses paths with a tough female fighter named Iteung, Ajo gets beaten black and blue, but he also falls head over heels in love. Will Ajo’s path lead him to a happy life with Iteung, and, eventually, his own peace of mind?
  •   李(梅丽莎·麦卡西 Melissa McCarthy 饰)曾是一位小有名气的传记作家,所撰写的作品屡屡进入畅销榜。然而,李是一位个性非常固执的作家,她不愿意为了迎合市场而改变自己的创作风格,久而久之,再也没有出版社愿意同她合作了,李的生活渐渐的陷入了窘迫之中。  入不敷出的李决定卖出自己珍藏多年的著名影星凯瑟琳赫本的信件,由此获得了一笔不菲的收入,之后,她又在机缘巧合下得到了另一位名人的信件,在经过了精心的改造后,这封信件自然也卖出了个好价钱。梅开二度让李发现了商机,她就此踏上了伪造名人信件牟利的不归路。
  • 剧情 
    Joshua具有一个特殊的能力,他可以读出别人的思想。   约书亚拉扎勒斯是一个寄养家庭长大的孩子,他拥有精神感应的能力。他使用他的超能力帮助政府。政府告诉他,他的精神感应能力来自威德曼氏症的副作用,他最终会因为此病而精神错乱乃至死亡。然而一天,拉扎勒斯遇到了一位具有相似能力的女子,这位女子却没有任何该病的征兆,拉扎勒斯于是鼓起勇气去揭露政府的谎言。