
  • 喜剧 
  •   2019年是经典科幻片《异形》上映40周年纪念。亚历山大·欧·菲利普倾心力作解密异形的源起。从最原始的构思和草图,以及丹·欧班农原初的29页剧本说起,探索佐杜洛夫斯基、寄生学、希腊与埃及神话、地下漫画的诸多影响。影片有着丰富的内容、深刻的探讨,是一场科幻电影迷不可错过的盛宴。
  • 价值

    Ricky, a top contender in Muay Thai Kickboxing trains for the title belt, all the while dealing with new relationships, money problems, and family drama.
  • 鲁斯丁

  • 喜剧 
      故事发生在古希腊的雅典,赫米拉(奥利维娅·德哈维兰 Olivia de Havilland 饰)和拉山德(迪克·鲍威尔 Dick Powell 饰)深深的爱慕着彼此,可是两人的恋情却遭到了赫米拉家人的强烈反对,因为他们早已经给女儿相中了名为狄米特律斯(罗斯·亚历山大 Ross Alexander 饰)的男子作为夫婿。为此,赫米拉和拉山德决定私奔,并且逃到了一片森林之中。之后,赫米拉的好友海伦娜(琼·缪尔 Jean Muir 饰)带着狄米特律斯也来到了森林之中。  森林里居住着一群调皮可爱的精灵们,此时,仙王(Hobart Cavanaugh 饰)和仙后(Verree Teasdale 饰)正在闹别扭,于是,仙王决定好好的捉弄一下误闯森林的这些男男女女们。
  • 奥利弗

    奥利弗(马克·莱斯特 Mark Lester 饰)是一名孤儿,从小在教会中长大。九岁时,奥利弗被派遣到工厂做工,之后又来到殡仪馆成为了学徒。奥利弗的聪慧和机敏让他很快就在殡仪馆里站稳了脚跟,但与此同时,他亦遭到了同伴们的妒忌,他们故意挑衅激怒奥利弗,最终奥利弗离开了殡仪馆。  无家可归的奥利弗过起了四处流浪的生活,经过漫长的旅途,他来到了伦敦。一个名叫道奇(杰克·瓦尔德 Jack Wild 饰)的扒手将奥利弗带到了匪首费金(朗·穆迪 Ron Moody 饰)的面前,就这样,奥利弗成为了他们中的一员。一次意外中,奥利弗被警察逮捕了,但随后,他被证实是无辜的,当事人布朗罗先生(Joseph O'Conor 饰)对奥利弗感到十分愧疚,于是收留了他,奥利弗的生活能够从此走上正轨吗?
  • 喜剧 
    一位富翁看上了一块高尔夫球场,想要将其收购,用作建造其他的商业设施,来获取更大的利益。高尔夫球俱乐部的主席史密斯(泰德·奈特 Ted Knight 饰)当然不喜欢这个决定,于是,他想方设法的试图阻挠收购计划。丹尼(迈克尔·奥吉弗 Michael O'Keefe 饰)是在高尔夫球场上班的球童,指望着那少得可怜的工资来补贴家用和给自己交学费。他希望老板能够给自己加薪,却遭到了后者的拒绝,这让丹尼怀恨在心。与此同时,丹尼爱上了史密斯的侄女。  卡尔(比尔·默瑞 Bill Murray 饰)是球场里维护草坪的工人,他震惊的发现球场里竟然有田鼠,为了消灭却群讨人厌的小家伙,卡尔决定不择手段。
  • 剧情 
      奥利弗(马克·莱斯特 Mark Lester 饰)是一名孤儿,从小在教会中长大。九岁时,奥利弗被派遣到工厂做工,之后又来到殡仪馆成为了学徒。奥利弗的聪慧和机敏让他很快就在殡仪馆里站稳了脚跟,但与此同时,他亦遭到了同伴们的妒忌,他们故意挑衅激怒奥利弗,最终奥利弗离开了殡仪馆。  无家可归的奥利弗过起了四处流浪的生活,经过漫长的旅途,他来到了伦敦。一个名叫道奇(杰克·瓦尔德 Jack Wild 饰)的扒手将奥利弗带到了匪首费金(朗·穆迪 Ron Moody 饰)的面前,就这样,奥利弗成为了他们中的一员。一次意外中,奥利弗被警察逮捕了,但随后,他被证实是无辜的,当事人布朗罗先生(Joseph O'Conor 饰)对奥利弗感到十分愧疚,于是收留了他,奥利弗的生活能够从此走上正轨吗?
  • 天伦乐

      Clarence Day (William Powell), is a benevolent despot of his 1880s New York City household. His wife Vinnie (Irene Dunne), is the real head of the household. The anecdotal story, encompassing such details as Clarence (Jimmy Lydon), the eldest son's romance with pretty out-of-towner Mary (Elizabeth Taylor). Vinnie tries to get her headstrong husband baptized, else he'll never be able to enter the Kingdom of God.
  • 喜剧 
      Society sleuths Nick and Nora Charles investigate a murder aboard a floating casino.  Nick and Nora Charles are attending a charity benefit aboard a gambling ship.  After a murder occurs, suspicion falls on Phil Brant, who had argued with the victim earlier in the evening.  When Phil and his wife seek help from Nick and Nora, Nick refuses to get involved.  But when shots are fired outside his own apartment, Nick begins to investigate, and he soon finds himself in a confusing case with numerous suspects.  Nick and Nora Charles were the ultimate screen couple, husband and wife detectives, always in step and never missing an opportunity to outwit one another as they solved each crime, which they did just in time for the movie's ending.  Myrna Loy was a fantastic Nora, the ideal wife and considering she made 14 movies with William Powell, she made it look like they were really married.  The Thin Man movies, all six of them, played more like sophisticated screwball comedies than murder mysteries, and their comic banter enhanced the proceedings.  Their little wire-haired terrier, Asta, quite often stole the scene as he helped sleuth out the guilty party.  He was a great little actor and rumor had it that away from the Thin Man movies, Asta was really Skippy.  However, the six Thin Man movies credit this cute pooch as "Asta."
  • 科幻 
  • 恐怖 
      A family with buried secrets reunite at a farmhouse after two decades to pay for their past sins.
  • 恐怖 
  • 恐怖 
      一个女演员想永葆青春,于是便亲身试验了一种号称能抗衰老的液体,结果青  春非但没保住,那致命的副作用反而使她变成了可怖的怪物……  ----------zombiehunter
  •   新剧《芝加哥急救》获得NBC第二季续订。
  •   在一次严重的撞车事故后,惠里从一名新手车手降级为市区的一名出租车,身负巨额债务,自尊心也受到了伤害。这起事故的起因正是他的哲学/风水师范的好友普特普特。一切都很好,直到惠里“头朝下”压倒了来自社会上层的超级名模贝拉。更糟的是……她有男朋友了!幸运的是轮子的,贝拉发现他的街头智慧,ghetto-like,风趣的人性格吸引....但就在他有机会更好地了解她之前,她高傲的男朋友本挡住了他的路。这是并不是所有....惠里面临着一个更大的问题,他的梦中情人被一个由一辆18轮卡车策划的全球犯罪集团绑架。作者:Shireen M Hashim博士
  •   MP Cunningham and Jeremy Jackson’s new scripted comedy Agua Donkeys has landed at Quibi and will be released this spring. Inspired by the short film of the same name, Agua Donkeys will be produced by Funny or Die and nd 3 Arts Entertainment.  In the new series where it’s always summer, MP (Cunningham) and Jer (Jackson) are employees at a pool cleaning company called Agua Donkeys. The duo chasing the perfect tan, the perfect vibe and the perfect mix of bromine and chlorine to service some of the “sickest” backyard pools in their Utah hometown. The series also features Baby Darrington, who plays their co-worker and mutual crush as well as Luke Jackson, who plays the owner of the titular pool company.
  •   说唱歌手Lil Dicky主演的FXX喜剧剧集《呆福/说唱王戴夫》(Dave)宣布续订第2季,明年播出。
  • 动作 
      这是一部非营利性的长篇电影,与漫威、索尼或迪士尼均无关联,由该蜘蛛侠的粉丝创作。  彼得·帕克(Warden Wayne 饰)的前女友不幸身亡,似乎是由于他试图拯救她而造成的,彼得·帕克对于过去的愧疚挥之不去,质疑是否应该永远埋葬来自他的另一个自我的诅咒。当他得知一个身患绝症的孩子寻求与蜘蛛侠见面时,彼得在考虑是否要在他的仅剩之日里去安慰他。  改编自:“SPIDER-MAN: BLUE”以及“THE KID WHO COLLECTS SPIDER-MAN”。
  • 伦理 
    Catherine meets Nick by accident and, after a whirlwind romance, the two get married and Catherine moves into Nick's apartment only that's the start of problems when an unseen intruder begins playing strange mind games with Catherine in an apparent attempt to drive her insane. Catherine first suspects Nick is behind it, then suspicion moves to his business partner Badge, then t...