
  • 科幻 
  • 纪录 
    LIFE IN THE DOG HOUSE will tell the inspiring stories of Danny and Ron's Rescue (501c3). The film will showcase their unique approach to dog rescue and adoption, which has enabled them to rescue and adopt out 10,000 dogs.
  • 动作 
      Follows a Chicago investigator who travels to Scotland after a new serial killer commits crimes that match those that he looked into five years previously, one of which was the scene of his slain girlfriend's death.
  • 伊万娜

    Since the death of their father and mother, Ambar and Dika move to a nursing home owned by their parents' best friend and their son, Agus. There are three people in the nursing home of Masa Toea: Grandma Ani, Grandpa Farid, and Oma Ida. The three are taken care of by Rina, a nurse who is also Agus's girlfriend. Not long after Ambar and Dika's move, Oma Ida's grandson, Arthur, c...
  • 动作 
    After an accidental explosion at a local mine, dinosaurs emerge from the rubble to terrorize a small western town. Now, a group of gunslingers must defend their home if anyone is going to survive in a battle of cowboys versus dinosaurs.
  • 动作 
    1864 After a huge battle and the brutal shelling of the population of Atlanta, Federal troops ("Yanks") take control of the city. Their plan is to use all of the goods remaining in the warehouse district of Atlanta to outfit their army for the upcoming March to the Sea, which they hope will end the War Between the States. Confederate spies move into the warehouse district, disg...
  • 年轻干练的伊丽莎白·吉尔伯特(朱莉娅·罗伯茨 Julia Roberts 饰)是《纽约时报》的一名人气作家,她经常周游世界,撰写相关的旅游文章。她的生活同样令人欣羡,丈夫史蒂芬(比利·克鲁德普 Billy Crudup 饰)帅气潇洒、气质不凡;饮食无忧、优哉安 乐。然而伊丽莎白却渐渐感到空虚和恐慌,似乎着周遭的一切都不是她真正追求的。伊丽莎白决定走出变质的婚姻,寻找自我。在漫长的离婚拉锯战后,她踏上了周游世界的旅途,在美食、祈祷和恋爱中,认真地思考人生的种种……  本片根据伊丽莎白·吉尔伯特(Elizabeth Gilbert)的同名自传改编,著名影星布莱德?彼特担任该片制片人。
  • 剧情 
    一支由12名业余队员组成的棒球队在某个夏天被丢出打一季他们都以为没什麽特别的比赛开始,没想到最后,这场比赛竟然成为了他们人生中最重要的一场...... 棒球队里有在大联盟选秀落榜,只好在业馀球队重新开始的球员John Mazetti(Aaron Tveit饰)、强打者Arthur Barone(Chace Crawford饰)、从后援转先发的投手Dells (Tyler Hoechlin饰)、难以管控自己情绪的外场手Pat Murray(Joseph Mazzello饰)等。
  • 动作 
    ROAD 2: THE SEA OF GLASS AND FIRE picks up where the first film in the series ends. After the rapture has taken place, JOSH MCMANUS (David A. R. White) is left behind and goes on a journey to find out what has happened and attempts to travel home to find his family. Before he can go anywhere, he is confronted again by the biker gang that harassed him previously and he joins for...
  •   A geneticist wakes up from an accident with only fragments of his memory is forced to relearn who he is via his twin brother. But as he digs deeper, he discovers he might not be who he thought at all.
  • 动作 
      警探约翰•麦卡伦(布鲁斯•威利斯 饰)从纽约来到洛杉矶,见他分别已有半年之久的妻子霍莉(邦尼•彼地丽娅 饰)。他被邀请参加在一栋大厦的30层举行的圣诞晚会。然而一群匪徒却打起了大厦金库中存有的六亿多元公债券的主意。他们封锁了大楼,将参加晚会的人扣作人质。麦卡伦侥幸逃脱,只身与匪徒们展开了激烈的斗争
  • 剧情 
    位于加利福尼亚北部的奥克兰,是一个地处偏远的平凡小镇。不过亦如其他大城市一样,年轻躁动的青年们成为这里最不安定的因素。科迪(柯瑞·纳夫 Cory Knauf 饰)、Q(布莱特·罗伯茨 Bret Roberts 饰)、厄洛伊(尼克·塔格斯 Nick Tagas 饰)是当地一支暴走族的成员,他们终日抽烟、酗酒、吸毒、打架、非法买卖、男女乱搞,无恶无做,浪荡生活没有止境。   在一次为科迪的妈妈举办的生日派对上,科迪的前女友米歇尔(Tiffany Shepis 饰)遭到袭击,此后更表现出怪异的举止。不久,更有一群打扮怪异的家伙抓住了他们,科迪等人成为了怪人的俘虏。恐怖之夜由此展开……
  • 剧情 
    A sensational, sentimental, and philosophical horror neo-noir that follows the still-at-large crimes of Noel, a repentant, classy and charming serial killer loose in the suburbs of New York.
  • 剧情 
  • 动作 
  • 西元2274年人类居住在由电脑控制的城市中,在这个城市中无优无虑,可自由毫无拘束的追求享乐;但到30岁时每一个人必须接受考验,一个探究永恒、重生的试炼……
  • 《恐怖勋章》倒霉的乔治对妻子黛西(Jeanie Wishes 饰)谎称自己战死,死后他奉妻子的老爹兼长官之命营救黛西,拒绝的话将被送往最血腥残酷的前线。在密林深处,他遭遇了纳粹敌人顽强的反击,千钧一发时刻,更被一名纳粹僵尸空降兵袭击;《哈莉特的战争》英国某乡村发生残酷诡异的杀人事件,美丽的赏金猎人哈莉特·普莱斯(Lara Lemon 饰)受邀前来,在地方警察琼斯(Cy Henty 饰)的协助下展开调查,她警告村民小心门户,免遭邪恶生物袭击。不久,一度失踪的另一名女受害者出现,向众人宣告了恐怖预言;《闪电战恶魔》战乱年代,一家三口躲在房间内惶惶不可终日。威胁他们生命的不仅有战火,还有恐怖的嗜血恶魔……
  • 囊肿

    CYST is an old school monster movie in which an enthusiastic plastic surgeon will stop at nothing to patent his latest cyst-removal machine. What started out as Patricia (Eva Habermann) the nurse’s last day turns into a battle for survival when the doctor’s machine inadvertently turns a patient’s tumour into a cyst-monster that terrorizes the office.
  • 剧情 
    A teen with a reputation for telling lies and creating trouble witnesses her new stepmother murder a man in a vacant parking lot. Now, she must convince her mother to believe her story before she enacts her plan to destroy her family.
  • 爱情 
    Lauren wants to rebuild her community, including her family home, in the aftermath of a devastatingly disastrous storm.