搜索“Roman ”相关结果

  • 剧情 
      ason is on an adventure to win the hearts of Noelle's kids before they marry.
  • For some reason, forever young and always immaculately dressed, Koschey has been unable to find a bride for three hundred years. He intimidated, and kidnapped, and turned various princesses into frogs, but these courtship did not help the prince of darkness. Meanwhile, the beautiful hero Varvara only does what she fights off in the arena from suitors who covet her dowry. Howeve...
  • 7分钟

    The film takes place in Toulouse and tells the story of Jean, a 55 year-old policeman who discovers his son, Maxime, and his son's boyfriend hanged in a hotel room. The autopsy shows that he died from an overdose of GHB, just seven minutes after his boyfriend. During an evening organized by Maxime's friends, Jean discovers the club BISOU, where his son used to go. There, he mee...
  • 喜剧 
    Mitya and Alisa are set to get married. The problem is that Mitya is still married to Vasya, who refuses to grant him a divorce. Can Mitya and his friends convince Vasya to change her mind?
  • 锅炉工

    苏联解体后那个“疯狂的九十年代”,在俄罗斯北方一座工业城市。主人公伊万是一名雅库特人(少数族裔),因为20多年前那场不光彩的茹侵阿富汗战争留下了脑震荡,现在是一家锅炉房里的工人。一位当地的黑道大佬是伊万从前的战友,常常利用锅炉房来毁尸灭迹,“没关系,他们都是一些坏人”,如此,他安慰伊万说。但直到有一天,当Skryabin的女儿因抢走了这位朋友女儿的男友而被送进锅炉时,伊万才开始醒悟。战争并没有结束。   影片是一部极端残酷的暴力现实主义作品,可谓延续了阿历克塞·巴拉巴诺夫一贯大胆黑色的风格。他执导的《兄弟》、《畸零与色情》等片让主流媒体难以接受,克里姆林宫最喜欢的导演Nikita Mikhalkov(《毒太阳》)也曾出面攻击称《兄弟》的主人公“充满破坏欲”,“荼毒青少年的思想”。不过在2010年底俄国影评人们颁出的“白象”奖中,《火炉工》摘得了最佳影片、...
  • 战争 
      Young female fighter pilots arrive to the frontline. They have different stories and different fates. They are getting older, falling in love and lose their closest ones as well as take their place in the world of men. The air has become their home. However, at war no one knows whose fate is to live and who is doomed to die.
  • 剧情 
  • 科幻 
      Deep in the Northern California woods, in the heart of the notorious Emerald Triangle, lies a remote cabin. The residents struggle to fight off the repeated attacks and abductions by mysterious creatures that have plagued them for years. When a local pot farmer is caught up with a wayward group of campers the situation quickly escalates into total carnage.
  •   1919年俄国革命后,内战爆发,在伏尔加河平原上,不少匈牙利人加入了苏维埃红军同白军展开消耗战……一名来自匈牙利的红军士兵被杀死在村边的河流中,白军驱车在村庄宣传,似乎胜利已经在握。落魄的红军战士跑回营地,而那里同样有白军俘虏,红军除去俘虏的衣服羞辱他们,但是转眼间营地又被白军包围, 这次失去军装的是红军士兵,一身军装成为了人们区分敌我的唯一标示,抹消对方身份和屠杀的报复行为在两方间周而复始……几个红军战士逃出营地,在白军的围追中亡命天涯,而他们所遭遇的一切,注定是以死亡为终结的无奈循环。  本片是匈牙利新浪潮的代表作之一。
  •   虽然怪兽被消灭了,但露营地仍然不安全!另一群男男女女又来作死以及相互做爱了,殊不知危险将近,而第一部的女主角也回归续集,拯救众人。
  •   影片是根据真人真事改编的,K19是苏联第一艘战略核潜艇。  影片导演凯瑟琳·毕格罗是首位奥斯卡最佳女导演奖获得者。  亚里克西(哈里森·福特 Harrison Ford 饰)船长,在冷战最为紧张的时刻接到命令接替原船长米克黑尔( 连姆·尼森 Liam Neeson 饰)出任核动力导弹潜艇K-19的指挥官。亚里克西的任务是不惜一切代价,尽快将这艘维护不当的潜艇投入作战戒备,执行其处女航行。但是两人和全艇忠诚的官兵们压根也没想到他们会去执行什么任务。他们也无法料想到失败的代价对于他们以及全世界会意味着什么。那时,一个核反应堆发生故障,一个危险的燃料棒即将溶融、发生核爆炸,这将肯定使艇上所有人员葬身海底。当时他们在北冰洋底游弋,是全体船员们的勇敢,以及船长对国家和对船员们的职责感最终挽救了K-19,避免了一场即将发生的核灾难。
  • 剧情 
  •   In 1905, French seminarian Bruno Reidel is found guilty of murdering a child. At the request of the doctors observing him, he writes his memoirs to explain his action.
  • 剧情 
      故事发生在东德刚刚解体的这个节骨眼上。里科(朱利斯•尼兹舒寇夫 Julius Nitschkoff 饰)、丹尼尔(梅林•罗斯 Merlin Rose 饰)、保罗(Frederic Haselon 饰)和马克(乔尔•巴斯曼Joel Basman 饰)是成长在这个动荡的特殊时刻的四位青年。他们用他们各自特殊的方式来疯狂的挥霍青春。  在经历的一系列疯狂的体验之后,四人合伙开了一家迪斯科舞厅,哪知道没开多久便被新纳粹青少年给霸占了。与此同时,里科依然保留着他想要成为拳击手的梦想,丹尼尔则对漂亮的莱比锡(露比•欧菲Ruby O. Fee 饰)一往情深。当他们的命运被时代车轮裹挟前进时,每个人会走上一条怎样的道路呢?
  • 喜剧 
  • 剧情 
  • 喜剧 
      When Ivy discovers the school bathroom is haunted, Bean helps Ivy to harness her witchlike powers. With the help of their classmates, Ivy and Bean orchestrate a ritual that will free the ghosts, save the school and also mess up Nancy’s day.
  • 喜剧 
      Ivy and Bean are ecstatic to sign up for ballet class until they realize there will be no sword fighting, kicking or “dancing to the death” allowed in class. When Bean’s parents won’t let her quit, Ivy agrees to stick it out with Bean through the big dance festival performance.