
  • 剧情 
      It tells the story of Jem who can only think of her handsome youth pastor. When they start an affair, her chaste life is thrown into turmoil, jeopardizing her place in her family and the only world she's ever known.
  • 恐怖 
  • 剧情 
    Film tells the story of a Russian spy to performing a task in London. The main character has to solve complex problems related to the very essence of the work of a spy: bribery, blackmail and even murder.
  • 纪录 
    官方2010年1月19日发布的《阿凡达》最新幕后特辑,片长22分钟 分辨率:1280 x 720   文件大小:1.1G   片中导演James Cameron以及众多演职员亲身解说了潘多拉世界的创建过程, 从环境地貌取景、动植物、纳威语、演员训练、表情和动作捕捉、虚拟摄像机、3D Fution到音效配乐等等,非常详尽!
  • 延续第一部风格,继续讲述关乎友谊与忠诚的故事
  • 纪录 
  • 剧情 
      Overall, this is a banal story of revenge, in which as the Black Mamba Shannon Tweed - famous actress erotic genre in second-rate American films early and mid-90s. Actually, for the sake of her adventures, and its only worth watching. In the tape she manages to seduce the whole family: the father, the mother, and, most interesting of their young son. Intimate scenes average frankness with nudity, but not pornography, with continuous background music, but also with the "original" actor dubbing Ohoven poisonous substances and so on. In general, leave a good impression. Director of the Scorned, Andrew Stevens, once played in a movie Massacre at Central High, made in 1976.
  • 第二季中汤姆·莱利饰演的达芬奇为拯救陷入萨帕兹家族的阴谋叛乱危机的佛罗伦城,和同时受了重伤的洛伦佐。达芬奇将挑战身体和精神的极限来保卫来自罗马势力侵袭的佛罗伦城。与此同时,美第奇家族将面临无法置信的新一轮威胁,达芬奇也将继续踏上了他使命之路去寻找《叶之书》,去揭开他母亲的过去历史未知真相。达芬奇很快就意识到等待他前面的是致命的使命挑战 — 比西斯教皇更强劲的敌人!他的探索将带他到异国他乡,重新估价他对世界的认识以及对自我过去的评价。
  • 季节

    简 介:   Mausam是一个长达10几年的爱情长跑。从90年代的印度一直到现在的英国、瑞士、再到印度。从两小无猜的爱情,到经历生死的相许。最终2人在印度缘起的地方相遇,有情人终成眷属。   《壮志凌云》是美国好莱坞拍摄的空军题材的电影力作,后来被多国仿制拍摄,成为此类题 材电影的典范。   印度宝莱坞于2011年拍摄的最新军事题材爱情大片《Mausam》还未上映就在印度引起了轰动,这部电影号称印度版的《壮志凌云》首次将印度飞行员在欧洲国家受训的细节曝光,引起军事迷们的广泛关注。电影中还出现了印度空军幻影-2000战斗机,电影的男主角就是这种战斗机的驾驶员。此片导演Pankaj Kapoor是Shahid Kapoor 沙希德·卡普的父亲,本片还在多伦多国际电影节上参映。      Mausam是一个浪漫的爱情故事,在旁遮普邦的一个小村庄里,有一位旁遮普男孩Harry...
  • 喜剧 
    BearCity is a hirsute "Sex and the City," following the funny, romantic, and occasionally dramatic adventures of a group of bears and cubs in New York City. The sequel, BearCity 2 follows our familiar characters and a few new ones as they head to Provincetown, MA for Bear Week!
  • 剧情 
    罗勃.派克(Robert B. Parker)的作品改编, 杰西警探犯罪档案系列故事第六集. 《杰西警探》系列一直注重於侦探类剧集最基本的破案手法。知名男星汤姆谢立克在剧中扮演的主角杰西警探, 过去是纽约市的一名警察,但因为酗酒而被下放到麻州的天堂镇担任警长, 不过, 在天堂镇的日子永远不像这个镇的名字一样如天堂般宁静。
  •   A retrospective of designer Frank Stephenson's work and life.
  • 剧情 
    TROPHY tells the story of men's obsession with power and how far they will go to claim the "PRIZE". Two rival gangs in Los Angeles and Las Vegas, led by Gino (Robert Miano) and Cole (Michael Madsen), are vying for control. Danny (Michael Masini), an LAPD undercover police detective, goes deep into gangland to infiltrate one gang to bring down both. Along the way, he becomes ent...
  • 喜剧 
  • 嫌疑人

      故事讲述Joe O’Loughlin医生,他看似拥有完美的生活——一个忠诚的妻子、一个可爱的女儿,作为临床心理学家事业有成,媒体出镜率高,还有一本书籍的出版合同。Joe在自己工作的医院里,救下了一名打算从十楼跳下自杀的病人,由此成为了网络上人人讨论的英雄。  一名年轻女性尸体在西伦敦公墓的浅坑中被发现后,资深警官Vincent Ruiz督察和年轻的搭档Riya Devi警长被派来负责调查。作为成功的作家,Joe医生经常被他人咨询意见,当他遇到Devi警长时,却过分主动提供帮助。爱冒险、乐于打破规则的Joe有隐藏什么吗?他最近刚被诊断患有一种使人衰弱的疾病,这或许可以解释他的行为。  随着针对Catherine之死调查的深入,大家不禁怀疑Joe是否有着秘密的一面,他作为临床心理学的工作,是否让他形成了犯罪思维倾向,甚至更糟?
  • 剧情 
      改编自Chuck Klosterman的同名小说,Hamish Linklater编剧,Hamish Linklater、Lily Rabe导演,领衔主演Lily Rabe、Ed Harris和Jack Dylan Grazer,其他参演演员还包括Vanessa Hudgens、Finn Wittrock、Henry Golding、August Blanco Rosenstein以及Sam Wren Vincent等等。影片故事发生在1983年的北达科他州Owl小镇,这里处于半封闭状态,暴风雪即将袭击小镇之前,一位英语教师的到来改变了当地人的生活。
  • 剧情 
    When the sheltered and unsocialized Oliver is tasked with making new friends after the sudden and devastating death of his mother, he decides that digging a few up (literally) might be his best bet.
  • 动作 
    Based on the Epic Greek Poem as sung by Homer.
  • 严惩

  • 动作 
      A scanner discovers a plot by renegade elements in the city government to take power with the help of evil scanners.