
  • 邪恶

    某座远离大都会的宁静小镇,上百年来一直流传着女巫的传说。据说每到春分时刻,女巫便会出来绑架、肢解小孩,并将他们吃掉以葆青春。不久前,一名自称打破了女巫房子玻璃的小女孩神秘失踪,引得小镇人心惶惶。阳光明媚的日子里,爷爷刚刚去世的青年扎克(Justin Deeley 饰)约上卡特(Chase Maser 饰)、特蕾西(Jackelyn Gauci 饰)、茱莉(Jess Adams 饰)等好友,决定去巫女屋游玩探险。扎克内向的弟弟麦克斯(Devon Werkheiser 饰)以及被人称作同性恋的女孩萨曼莎(Diana Hopper 饰)则另行前往。   两组人马分别打破了巫女屋的玻璃,胆大妄为、无所忌讳的年轻人,将在这恐怖肃杀之夜付出应有的代价……
  • 喜剧 
    Charlie Martin, a JI whose fraternity gets kicked off campus after it takes the rap for a rival fraternity gone awry. Three years later, Charlie and the remaining brothers must throw the greatest rush event to recruit a new pledge class and bring the house back to [email protected]