
  • 无价

    Desperately in need of money in hopes of regaining custody of his daughter, James (Joel Smallbone) embarks on a cross-country delivery for cash-no questions asked. But when he discovers what he is delivering is actually who, the questions in his mind begin haunting him mercilessly. James becomes an unlikely hero and must fight to save the innocence and lives of the two young wo...
  • 剧情 
    一位年轻女子背负着难以想象的责任。   一位在爱情和荣誉之间挣扎的年轻人。   一位嫉妒的国王,为了保住自己的王冠,不惜一切代价。   在这场为全家人举办的圣诞音乐庆祝活动,将经典的圣诞旋律融入新的流行歌曲中,以音乐的方式重述了玛丽和约瑟夫以及耶稣诞生的永恒故事。