
  • 剧情 
      车祸之后, 卢卡斯在阿姨家发现了通往幽蓝幻境的大门, 神奇的幻境交织着现实与梦境。本片改编自波兰畅销小说,一部超越最狂野梦想的冒险书籍。
  • 剧情 
      Inspired by stories of Polish musicians from the 1930-ies/40-ies "Music, War and Love" is an uncommon love story; its romantic heartbeat is sustained by the love of music that draws its characters together. Two young lovers, ROBERT, a catholic opera singer and RACHEL, a Jewish violin virtuoso, dream of one day performing together at legendary Carnegie Hall. When they're torn apart by the German invasion of Poland, Robert vows to find Rachel, no matter what the war may bring. His search leads him on a life-threatening journey through the heart of Nazi Germany, to a reckoning that Rachel may be lost to him forever.
  • 1983

    旷日持久的冷战开始升温。1983 年,一场灾难性的恐怖袭击打断了波兰解放以及后来苏联解体的进程。二十年后,怀揣理想主义的法律系学生和事业不顺的警探偶然发现了一个旨在维护铁幕和波兰压抑的极权统治的阴谋。   如今到了 2003 年,在经历了二十年的和平与繁荣后,政权领袖与 20 世纪 80 年代的对手出人意料地联合,制定了一项秘密计划。这项计划将从根本上改变波兰,并影响该国人民以及全世界人民的生活。   这二人的发现可能会引发一场革命,而当权者将不惜一切代价来守住这个秘密。