
  • 喜剧 
      奎萨(路易·德·菲耐斯 Louis de Funès 饰)带着自己的女儿妮可(吉内薇芙·格拉德 Geneviève Grad 饰)来到了一个新的城市工作生活,为了不被新结识的朋友们嘲笑,妮可谎称自己的父亲是一名百万富翁,并且拥有一艘豪华游艇。朋友们起哄让妮可带他们到游艇上玩,为了谎言不被揭穿,妮可只得接着欺骗游艇管理员。  游艇真正的主人是当地的黑社会老大,他刚刚非法得到了一副价值连城的油画,将它藏在自己的爱车中。哪知道妮可的朋友们误将那辆车认为是妮可父亲的,于是偷偷的开出来兜风,最终他们的一连串骗局都被奎萨给撞穿了。在将车物归原主的时候,奎萨误打误撞的带走了那幅画,哪知道竟然被误认为是偷画贼。
  • 喜剧 
  •   本片由几个超现实的小故事串联而成。公园里,一个神秘男子塞给一个中产阶级家庭的女孩几张图片,女孩父母对这些帕特农神庙、凯旋门等古建筑的图片大惊失色。丈夫晚上被幻觉困扰求助医生,恰巧女护士请假离去,在回家的路上,女护士偶遇受虐狂帽商、赌博的神父等人。一位教授搭护士的车来到警局授课,却总被打断,他最后讲了一段赴宴的经历,几个朋友在马桶上闲聊,而吃饭却在厕所一样的单间里。一名罹患癌症的男人被告知女儿失踪,虽然女儿就在身边,但一群人仍然四处寻找。一名枪手在高层建筑里随意射杀路人,被判处死刑,但看起来却像是当庭释放。警察局长接到了死去的妹妹电话,他前往墓地查看,却发现自己的位置已经被别人代替……  本片获1975年意大利电影新闻记者协会银兔奖。
  •   Lucienne Delamare and Pierre Maury are having an affair. Lucienne's husband Paul is the mayor, and a French deputy. Pierre's wife Clotilde has been weak and sickly for years. Lucienne's husband holds no excitement for her, and he is always away in Paris on business. Pierre is now the vice-mayor, thanks to Paul. Lucienne and Pierre have a secret meeting spot by a lake along a country lane. Pierre's wife dies suddenly, by suicide the town gossips believe. Pierre confesses otherwise to Lucienne. Paul proposes a shady land deal which will "benefit the town", and wants Pierre's political support and collusion. Then Paul discovers proof of his wife's affair...
  • 饼干

    This 1975's original sexual comedy by the director Joël Séria is full of unexpected situations between a man and women. A salesman of umbrellas, Henri Serin (a magnificent Jean-Pierre Marielle), is having sex with all the women of which he paints a portrait and which he encounters during his travels. While one is cooking in her kitchen, he is painting. Once he is invited but im... (展开全部)   This 1975's original sexual comedy by the director Joël Séria is full of unexpected situations between a man and women. A salesman of umbrellas, Henri Serin (a magnificent Jean-Pierre Marielle), is having sex with all the women of which he paints a portrait and which he encounters during his travels. While one is cooking in her kitchen, he is painting. Once he is invited but immediately expelled when he wants to unfold her traditional ribbon. Henri Serin falls for a very young woman which he can seduce while making a portrait of her. His only friend is a modernist priest (Romain Bouteille) who likes to talk with him in the local bar. Henri Serin does not think of tomorrow and lives "la vie d'artiste". Life is beautiful and sex is life.
  • 喜剧 
      奎萨(路易·德·菲耐斯 Louis de Funès 饰)带着自己的女儿妮可(吉内薇芙·格拉德 Geneviève Grad 饰)来到了一个新的城市工作生活,为了不被新结识的朋友们嘲笑,妮可谎称自己的父亲是一名百万富翁,并且拥有一艘豪华游艇。朋友们起哄让妮可带他们到游艇上玩,为了谎言不被揭穿,妮可只得接着欺骗游艇管理员。  游艇真正的主人是当地的黑社会老大,他刚刚非法得到了一副价值连城的油画,将它藏在自己的爱车中。哪知道妮可的朋友们误将那辆车认为是妮可父亲的,于是偷偷的开出来兜风,最终他们的一连串骗局都被奎萨给撞穿了。在将车物归原主的时候,奎萨误打误撞的带走了那幅画,哪知道竟然被误认为是偷画贼。
  • 喜剧 
      凯撒大帝(高夫莱德·约翰 Gottfried John 饰)带着他强大的军队南征北战,无往不利,却在一个高卢人聚居的部落里里吃了瘪,原来,部落里的巫师帕罗拉米(Claude Piéplu 饰)发明了一种药剂,只要一滴便能教人拥有强大的力量,而阿贝里斯(克里斯汀·克拉维尔 Christian Clavier 饰)在一次意外中跌落到了药剂中,因此拥有了无穷无尽的怪力。  阿贝里斯凭借着自己的特异功能保护着部落,这让占有欲极强的凯撒感到十分愤怒。他拍虎了将军德利托斯(罗伯托·贝尼尼 Roberto Benigni 饰),命令其带兵攻打部落。然而,德利托斯早就有了叛变之心,他不仅软禁了凯撒,还绑架了帕罗拉米,想要利用他的药水实现自己征服世界的野心。