
  • 当魅力四射的高智商美女Freddy与脆弱且富有同情心的前儿童兵Baba相遇,欲望点燃了彼此心中的黑暗,将他们变成了一对危险的杀手搭档。与此同时,对犯罪心理的罪责观念有着巨大分歧的DS Lola Franks和DI Jackson Mendy被指派共同侦办此案。一场有关性吸引力与情感操纵的猫鼠游戏就此拉开。
  • 剧情 
    本片内容跨越了半个世纪,真实而深刻的记述了德蕾莎修女秉持著对上帝的信仰与奉献的精神,发扬人性至善的光辉,超越国界与藩篱,给予数以百万计贫困苦难的人带来 希望与尊严慈悲的恻隐之心,无怨无悔的照顾无依无靠的人们,让他们知道有人关心著他们,她抚慰了苦难人的心,发扬了信、望、爱的至高精神,为那些弃婴、麻疯病人以及比穷人还穷的人们默默付出,鞠躬尽瘁。  德蕾莎修女生平记事: 德蕾莎修女生于一九一Ο年八月二十六日南斯拉夫,阿尔巴尼亚人。 一九二八年派调印度加尔各答洛瑞图修道院。 一九四八年因深感受印度贫民的苦况,而走出修道院济世救人。 一九五Ο年获教宗特准,成立了 仁爱传教修女会。 一九九七年六月在华府接受美国政府颁赠国会自由奖章。 一九九七年九月五日因心脏病发,逝世于加尔各答,享年八十七岁。
  • 在别人眼中,Foster医生有着令人羡慕的一切,工作受人尊敬,家庭幸福和睦,夫妻恩爱甜蜜,孩子乖巧听话。其实她自己也一直这样认为,直到有一天,一支唇膏,一根金发的出现,让她开始怀疑眼前的一切。为了查清楚丈夫是否真的出轨,她甚至利用病人帮她跟踪丈夫,结果却发现事情的真相,完全在她的预料之外。
  •   Martha is at last a QC,making her senior to Reader. Their first case together is defending taciturn thug Brendan Kay,muscle for the infamous criminal Farr family,accused of half-blinding a motorist who fell foul of boss Jody Farr. Martha believes Farr's influential solicitor,sharp Micky Joy and Farr are conspiring to stitch up the innocent Kay for a crime Farr committed. Battling against both formidable prosecutor Caroline Warwick and head of chambers Alan Cowdrey for Farr,Martha finds that Reader proves to be an ultimate help to her. He also has a solo case, defending killer Fatima Ali,referred by female solicitor George Duggan,who resists his efforts to pursue her romantically.
  • 美国 
      Whilst Clive Reader celebrates his taking silk but Martha hits the bottle, angry that inspector Wright has lied in court to convict her client Johnny Foster. Later David, the teen-aged son of chambers head Alan Cowdrey, is arrested for causing the death of a policeman , one of six who kettled him during a demonstration. Martha believes David has been bullied into pleading guilty by Wright and wants Alan involved in his son's case but David is not keen to see his father. Reader and Caroline Warwick agree to help Martha, who sees on CCTV that an anonymous man spoke to David in custody but there is no record of this meeting. In court she faces Wright, this time determined to beat him but evidence comes to light which weakens Martha's crusade.
  • 爱情 
      身为公关经理的海伦(Gwyneth Paltrow 饰)却在某天早上遭遇了失业的打击,她满怀失落地走向地铁,命运就在滑动门的左右发生变化。  赶上地铁的海伦回到家发现男友的奸情,使得劳燕分飞。为了迎接新的生活,海伦改变了发型,在电梯间邂逅了富有魅力的男子詹姆斯(John Hannah 饰)。新的恋情悄然开始……  错过地铁的海伦也错过了男友与情人欢愉的场面,他们的恋情仍在继续。男友小心周旋在两个女人之间,却难免有败露的一天……  滑动门机械地一开一关,命运随之悄然改变。