
  • 喜剧 
      两个年轻人无意中发现公司帐目有人搞鬼,老板为了奖励他们特别邀请他们一起到海边别墅共度周末.两人满心欢喜的到达别墅之後,发现老板被人杀害了,为了不被人冤枉他们开始隐瞒事情的真相,将老板的尸体带上墨镜及帽子,假扮成像是在渡假的人...  两人靠着老板的尸体,进出社交名流的场合,竟然都没有人发现到老板已经死掉了。全片的笑料都围绕在「死」老板身上,也藉由剧情中的笑料可以看到上流社会人情的虚伪空洞...
  • 科幻 
    A nostalgic journey through '80s Sc-Fi films, exploring their impact and relevance today, told by the artists who made them and by those who were inspired to turn their visions into reality.
  • 动作 
  • 科幻 
      艾利克斯(兰斯·盖斯特 Lance Guest 饰)生活在一个特殊的家庭之中,头脑十分灵活的他是一名电子游戏高手,可是虽然在游戏世界里艾利克斯能够叱咤风云,但在现实中,他申请奖学金却遭到了学校的拒绝。  一天,艾利克斯遇见了一位自称为游戏公司制作人的神秘男子,就此接触到了名为“斗士”的游戏,在稀里糊涂之中,艾利克斯成为了一名斗士,并且学习了一系列的战斗技能。当艾利克斯回到家中后,震惊的发现自己的家园遭到了外星人的入侵,与此同时,在斗士的游戏世界中,他的同僚们也惨遭杀害。现在,艾利克斯是唯一一个能够抵挡外星人入侵的人了。
  • 动作 
      In the nuclear ravaged wasteland of Earth 2087 water is as precious as life itself. The isolated Lost Wells outpost survived the holocaust and the inhabitants guard the source of their existence. Now an evil cult of renegades want control of their valuable water supply. And the villagers are no match for such brute military force. Only one man can help the stricken community - a mercenary living in a distant cannibal city. But even he, and his strange henchmen, may not be able to survive in the world gone wild.