
  •   An inspirational story honoring the life and legacy of Hollywood legend, Sidney Poitier. Sidney premieres September 23 in theaters and on Apple TV+.  From producer Oprah Winfrey and directed by Reginald Hudlin, this revealing documentary honors the legendary Sidney Poitier and his legacy as an iconic actor, filmmaker and activist at the center of Hollywood and the Civil Rights Movement. Featuring candid interviews with Denzel Washington, Halle Berry, Robert Redford, Lenny Kravitz, Barbra Streisand, Spike Lee and many more, the film is also produced by Derik Murray, in close collaboration with the Poitier family.
  •   马特(斯宾塞·屈塞 Spencer Tracy 饰)是报社的主编,思想先进的他反对种族歧视,提倡自由和平等。就是这样的一个男人,当他心爱的女儿乔伊(凯瑟琳·霍顿 Katharine Houghton 饰)带着男友约翰(西德尼·波蒂埃 Sidney Poitier 饰)来到自己 面前时,马特却彻底傻了眼。原来,约翰是一个黑人男孩,马特做梦也没有想到,那些平日里在小说和电视里看到的剧情,竟然发生在了自己的身上。  一边是信奉的自由主义,一边是骨子里无法消除的对于黑人的成见,马特陷入了两难之中,同时,约翰的父亲对于这门亲事也是极力反对。面对着巨大的压力,乔伊和约翰并没有气馁,看到了女儿的坚强,马特若有所思。
  • 剧情 
      美国印第安纳大学的教授阿尔弗莱德·金赛在1939年发表了震惊世界的《金赛性学报告》,这部迄今为止最为完整和坦率的性生态学调查的学术基础,是面谈了12000名美国人的惊人工作量。在金赛(连姆·尼森 Liam Neeson 饰)对学生们的访谈培训中,他一生的故事娓娓道来……  金赛出生在一个由父亲强力掌控的家庭,热爱自然的金赛在青年时终于摆脱了父亲钳制,选择了心仪的生物学研究,在大学任教时,金赛与研究生麦克米兰(劳拉·琳妮 Laura Linney 饰)结为伉俪。婚后他继续着自己的瘿峰研究,然而在与学生的接触中,他发现道德教条造成的性困惑无处不在,于是开始调整自己的研究方向……
  • 喜剧 
      Mr. North, a stranger to a small, but wealthy, Rhode Island town, quickly has rumors started about him that he has the power to heal people's ailments. The rumors are magnified by his tendency to collect negative charges and give shocks to anyone he touches. In his adventures he befriends an old man who is a shut-in and helps him rediscover the world.