
  • 剧情 
      SHEPHERD is based on the award-winning and bestselling Israeli novel, "The Jewish Dog," by Asher Kravitz. Kaleb, a beloved German Shepherd, is separated from his Jewish family when the Nuremberg Laws are enacted in WWII Berlin. He is adopted by an SS Officer who trains him to attack and round up Jews at a concentration camp. Kaleb is well cared for and good at his job until one day when he is distracted by a familiar scent. His original master, a young boy named Joshua, has arrived as a prisoner of the camp. Kaleb has not lost his loyalty to Joshua who finds solace in secretly visiting his dog at night. Joshua's life is at risk. Together they escape the camp and after months of near-death experiences, they are found by partisans who help Joshua make safe passage to Israel.
  • 日暮

    在得奖首作《索尔之子》以破格观点呈现纳粹集中营的人间地狱后,拉斯洛·奈迈施将深焦镜头再推前,凝视一战的世道崩塌。神秘孤女爱丽丝来到布达佩斯,欲在亡父创立的帽子名店求职竟被拒门外,由此开展一趟追寻兄长恶魔幽灵之旅,重回过去,揭开家族的隐藏真相。延续前作风格,长镜紧随爱 丽丝穿梭暗黑时空,聚焦局限观点、狭窄视角,如梦魇般朦胧影像的压迫感袭人而来;以家族老店残留的微光,斜照文明的殒落。
  •   When Fuchs starts his new job as a teacher in a prison school, replacing the old and unconventional teacher Berger against her will, he is forced to confront his biggest fear, triggered by the mysterious, withdrawn inmate Samira.
  •   身为纳粹集中营“特遣队”队员的犹太人索尔(Géza Röhrig饰),是一名被迫负责处理死尸的囚犯,某日在例行清理毒气室遇难者尸体的过程中,发现了自己“儿子”的遗体,他从此改变了苟且度日的生活,做出了人生中最大胆的决定——拼死夺回“儿子”的尸体,并找到一位犹太牧师为“儿子”下葬。
  • 剧情 
      在得奖首作《索尔之子》以破格观点呈现纳粹集中营的人间地狱后,拉斯洛·奈迈施将深焦镜头再推前,凝视一战的世道崩塌。神秘孤女爱丽丝来到布达佩斯,欲在亡父创立的帽子名店求职竟被拒门外,由此开展一趟追寻兄长恶魔幽灵之旅,重回过去,揭开家族的隐藏真相。延续前作风格,长镜紧随爱 丽丝穿梭暗黑时空,聚焦局限观点、狭窄视角,如梦魇般朦胧影像的压迫感袭人而来;以家族老店残留的微光,斜照文明的殒落。