
  • 喜剧 
      King, a trafficked lion cub, escapes from the airport in mid-transit and finds shelter in the home of Inès and Alex, 12 and 15. The siblings come up with a crazy scheme: to bring King back to Africa. Unfortunately, the customs agents on their tail don't make their mission easier. But soon, Max, the kooky grandfather they've only met twice before, joins their adventure... and from then on, the sky's the limit.
  •   1943年法国维希政府时期,一群犹太儿童在儿童庇护所生活了几年后必须避开德国纳粹的逮捕逃往瑞士,为了避开逮捕不得不与他们信任的成年人分开。这一群犹太孩子踏上了一条一切靠自己的逃亡之旅。 本片根据真人真事《芬妮的回忆录》改编,真实刻画了二战时 期犹太儿童的处境,这群犹太儿童们面对着成年人都不知所措的艰险逃亡,又将如何?这群孩子是否能成功逃到瑞士呢? ©海德文