
  • 剧情 
  •   设定在二战时期,围绕一个年轻牧童展开故事,他涉及到走私犹太儿童穿越边境前往西班牙的交易中。
  •   Lifetime台近日宣布续订都市剧《蛇蝎女佣》第三季。  《蛇蝎女佣》由《绝望的主妇》的主创马克·切利与伊娃·朗格利亚携手打造。改编自墨西哥系列喜剧《女佣》,讲述了在贝弗利富人区里当女佣的四位拉丁裔妇女的故事。已经结束的两季平均收视率达到220万人,而该剧在女性观众群中颇受欢迎,这无疑是《蛇蝎女佣》获得续订的重要原因之一。  《蛇蝎女佣》第三季依然由13集组成,定于2015年开播。
  • 欧美 
      The third season of ABC Family drama television series Switched at Birth began on January 13, 2014, and will consist of 22 episodes. The season is produced by ABC Family, Pirates' Cove Entertainment, and Suzy B Productions, with Paul Stupin and series creator Lizzy Weiss serving as executive producers.  The one-hour scripted drama revolves around two young women who discover they were switched at birth and grew up in very different environments.[1] While balancing school, jobs, and their unconventional family, the girls, along with their friends and family, experience deaf culture, relationships, class differences, racism, audism, and other social issues.