
  • 奇境

      There's little wonder in the working-class lives of Bill, Eileen, and their three grown daughters. They're lonely Londoners. Nadia, a cafe waitress, places personal ads, looking for love; Debbie, a single mom, entertains men at the hair salon after hours; her son spends part of the weekend with her ex, a man with a hair-trigger temper. Molly is expecting her first baby and its father acts as if the responsibility is too much for him. Eileen is bitter, complaining about her husband and the dog next door; Bill's a doormat. His West Indian neighbor offers him a drink; her own grown son locks himself in his room most of the time. Will anyone connect during this Guy Fawkes weekend? Written by <[email protected]>
  • 欧美 
      A nine part series depicting the varying fortunes of four friends - Nicky, Geordie, Mary and Tosker - from the optimistic times of 1964 to the uncertainties of 1995. Taking nine pivotal years (1964, 1966, 1967, 1970, 1974, 1979, 1984, 1987, 1995) the personal lives of the characters become intertwined with the political struggles of their home town of Newcastle, and the capital, London. We also see the machinations behind the scenes that affect their lives, often for the worse: slum housing projects, police corruption, the rise of Thatcherism, political sleaze, and specific events like the 1984 Miners' Strike.
  • 欧美 
      《黑水仙》(Black Narcissus)是一部三集迷你剧,Amanda Coe负责撰写剧本,Tom Winchester担任执行制片人。故事根据Rumer Godden的经典小说改编,主题仍然为「性压抑」、「禁忌之爱」和「宗教信仰」,并且掺杂了「超自然现象」。在遥远的尼泊尔,Clodagh修女和她的女子修道院正尝试与当地人更融洽地生活,但Clodagh修女内心压抑已久的性欲却在此过程中被唤醒了。她被地产商Dean先生深深吸引,但他们的关系越是充满激情,就越预示着悲剧结局——因为Clodagh修女的禁忌之爱似乎映射了古老的尼泊尔公主Srimati的爱情悲剧。
  • 未知
      海伦米伦也要回归电视圈了!——奥斯卡影后涉足/重返电视圈趋势更甚,HBO刚刚请到梅丽尔·斯特里普加盟《大小谎言》第二季,又宣布海伦·米伦将出演4集限定剧《伟大的凯瑟琳/凯瑟琳大帝》(Catherine the Great),饰演俄罗斯历史上唯一一位被冠以“大帝”之名的女皇叶卡捷琳娜二世·阿列克谢耶芙娜。这也给了HBO竞争艾美奖限定剧类奖项的机会,此前归为限定剧的《大小谎言》因为续订而被归为剧情类剧集。  该剧探索世界上最强大的女君主在政治动荡不安、充满情欲的宫廷中的生活,她与将军格里高利·波将金的私情,丑闻、阴谋、冲突交织的政权等。HBO将其形容为“讲述关于痴迷的爱恋的故事”,凯瑟琳和波将金不能公开结婚、公开滥交,建立了一种独特而忠诚的关系,战胜无数对手,将俄罗斯塑造成当时的最强帝国。  与米伦合作了2005年限定剧《伊丽莎白一世》的编剧Nigel Williams将操刀剧本,与米伦合作了2006年限定剧《头号嫌疑犯7》的导演菲利普·马丁执导,David M. Thompson(《金衣女人》《彭伯利谋杀案》)、查理·帕丁森(《伊丽莎白一世》《皮囊》)、Jules Hussey(《胡顿与女爵》)联合米伦和马丁共同制片。  Thompson表示米伦在拍摄《金衣女人》时向他提到了这个想法,称凯瑟琳这一人物是她一直都想诠释的。  米伦凭借《头号嫌疑犯》《菲尔·斯派特》《伊丽莎白一世》《兰德的激情》《永不放弃》《罗马之春》等限定剧/电视电影获得过11次艾美奖提名,4次获奖,她也获得了4次奥斯卡提名,并于2007年拿下奥斯卡最佳女主角(《女王》)。  这部剧由HBO和Sky联合制作,这也是双方合作的第3部剧集,前2部为《切尔诺贝利》和《伦敦黑帮》。双方此前签订了2.5亿美元的合作协议,HBO将负责北美播出,Sky负责英国、爱尔兰、德国等欧洲地区。
  •   A Very Public Education will see the headteacher and a small group of Year 9 and 10 pupils from one state secondary school and one private, boarding secondary school swapping places to spend a week immersed in the school life of the other.    By filming the experiences and reactions of the individuals involved and those around them in each school, the series aims to provide an insight into some of the key differences between the two sectors at a time when education is a political battlefield and the broad perception is of a gulf in standards between them.    With more than a third of the current cabinet having emerged from fee-paying schools and regular reports about state school pupils falling behind their privately-educated counterparts in landing places at the best universities and the best jobs, the programmes will set out to explore the social, economic and educational challenges and differences that face both groups. But, over the two episodes, it will also seek to highlight shared experiences to see what they can potentially learn from each other.    The two schools involved are The Bemrose School, in Derby and Warminster School, in Wiltshire.  Both schools are mixed gender and the pupils taking part in the swap are drawn from pupils aged 13-15 from Years 9 and 10.