
  • 泰剧 
  •   博卡维一直爱着派麦。当他得知她与皮希昂订婚时;他用一个水晶球回到过去,让她恢复正常。出乎意料的是,他醒来发现自己和皮希昂在床上,声称他们有一夜情。因此,于是欢乐地开始了他们猫和老鼠的游戏,皮希昂追求博卡维。虽然感情得到了回报,但他们对派麦的旧情却成了他们浪漫爱情的绊脚石。博卡维被激怒了,他不停地扭动水晶球,直到得到想要的结果。但是如果博卡维和派麦根本就不应该在一起呢?如果,他注定要和皮希昂在一起呢?  ~~改编自吉特仁的小说《你是我的最爱》(บทกวีของปีแสง)。
  •   Mew, Ray, and Boston—a group of business students running a hostel together—blur the lines between friendship and romance.  三位合伙经营旅社的商科学生Mew、Ray和Boston,模糊了友谊和爱情之间的界限。  Mew has been focusing on his studies, setting aside no time for sex and relationships. Upon learning of his friend's innocence, Boston introduces Mew to Top. What Boston intended to be a one-night affair turns into something more and he isn't happy with the turn of events. Economics student Saen wants an exclusive relationship with Ray, but Ray has feelings for Mew and he's not interested in settling. IT guy Nick finds a sex tape in Boston's phone and ends up in a friends-with-benefits relationship with him. However, Nick wants something more.  Mew一直专注于学习,没有给人际关系留出太多时间。Boston在得知此事后,介绍Mew给Top。Boston原以为只是一夜情的事情并未如预期一般,反而有了更深一步的发展。对此,他很是不悦。经济学专业的学生Saen想要和Ray建立单偶制关系,但是后者对好友Mew有好感,而且并不想止步于此。IT男Nick在Boston的手机里发现了一段录像带,并最终与他建立了一段friends with benefits (fwb)关系。然而,Nick想要的不止是fwb关系。  (来源:MyDramaList)