
  •   朱迪·科默、马丁·弗里曼、艾美达·斯丹顿、克里斯汀·斯科特·托马斯、莱丝利·曼维尔等将主演BBC重启版《喋喋人生》。剧集计划拍摄12集,其中10集将根据阿兰·本奈特在1988年、1998年创作的两季《喋喋人生》原对白改变,另外2集则根据本奈特去年提供的两个新故事改编。其中3集由尼古拉斯·希特纳(舞台剧《裘力斯·凯撒》)执导,其它集数由乔西·洛克(舞台剧《科利奥兰纳斯》)、麦瑞安·艾利俄特(舞台剧《天使在美国》)执导。
  •   亚当(本·威士肖 Ben Whishaw 饰)是一名在公立医院里行医的妇产科医生,在公立医院里,无论是医疗设备还是人员配给都要远远糟于私立医院,在这里,亚当不仅要面对无休无止的加班,还要和刁钻苛刻的病人斗智斗勇,长期都处在巨大的压力之下。但幸运的是,在医院里,亚当还是交 了一些朋友,比如初出茅庐的实习医生姝娣(安比卡·茂德 Ambika Mod 饰)。  亚当有一个相恋多年的男友哈里(罗里·弗莱克-拜恩 Rory Fleck Byrne 饰),两人之间的感情虽然稳定,但是亚当至今都没有向父母坦露自己的性取向,更别说介绍哈里给他们认识了。一场意外中,亚当的误诊导致了一个婴儿的早产,这件事情成为了在他脖颈上不断收缩的绳索,令他渐渐窒息。
  • 伦理 
  • 美国 
    A car left on a level crossing causes a crash which kills fifteen people though the driver cannot be found. Initially the police, led by Natalie Chandler's replacement, the recently promoted Wes Leyton, suspect the car owner, the unpleasant Michael Gennis, but learn that the car was stolen and the actual driver, Finn Tyler, intended to kill himself by driving onto the track but...
  • 美国 
    UK version of the long-running U.S. TV drama that tells the stories of two separate yet equally important groups: the police, who investigate crime; and the attorneys, who prosecute the offenders.
  • 美国 
    When a police constable, Nick Bentley, is shot by drug dealers while on foot patrol it seems like a pretty straightforward case. Brooks and Devlin eventually locate a witness who identifies one of the parties to the drug transaction and he finally tells the police what really happened. The witness also tells them something else: she saw another police constable standing in the ...
  • 美国 
    Five-year-old Connor Reid is strangled and security cameras show the two little girls who baby-sit him, Paige and prostitute's daughter Rose, take him into the empty flat where his corpse was found. In interview Paige breaks down and names Rose as the killer, though, in court, Rose's brief Kim Sharkey invites the court to accept Paige as the guilty party and forensics seem to i...
  • 美国 
    Natalie Chandler's friend hospital sister Logan reports suspected foul play following several deaths on her A and E ward,the last being when a young girl was given a fatal dose of prescription drugs. Chief suspect young Dr. Grant proves to be an unqualified impostor but he implicates elderly,pain-killer addicted colleague Dr. Austen,who was in charge when the other patients die...
  • 美国 
    New partner Sam Casey joins a grieving Ronnie to find out who shot Matt dead. Sam suspects an accomplice of the recently convicted Mark Ellis but the trail ultimately leads to Jamaal Clarkson,a youngster whose brother Kieran was murdered in 2003,though the police closed the case as a suicide. Jamaal believes they were not interested as Kieran was black and tells Ronnie he knows...
  • 爱情 
    1935年夏天,来自一个宽裕的英国小康家庭的13岁的少女布里奥妮(斯奥里兹?罗南 饰)刚刚开始尝试写作,想象力丰富。一天,她暗中发现仆人的儿子——罗比?特纳(詹姆斯?迈克沃伊 饰)和她姐姐塞西利亚(凯特?奈特莉 饰)之间有暧昧关系,而且发现他给她写了一封充满情色意味的情书。布里奥妮丰富的想象力虚构着各种可怕的事情,浮想联翩。当她的表姐罗拉被强奸后,布里奥妮相当肯定她看到是罗比做的,这次指证使罗比蒙冤入狱,留下伤心欲绝的塞西利亚。  第二次世界大战爆发了,出狱后的罗比和塞西利亚都投入了保卫祖国的战斗,布利奥妮放弃到剑桥升学成为一名军队医务人员。没有人能理解她的做法,只有她知道她怀揣着巨大的秘密和自责。她鼓起勇气,想把这秘密解开,能真正赎罪和得到宽恕。然而,世事幻变,出乎布利奥妮的预算。
  • 海外 
    故事始于一段浪漫的恋情,两名主人公来自截然不同的世界,一个是曾经纵情声色犬马而今独自一人渴望真爱的Danny(本·卫肖 Ben Whishaw 饰),一个是神秘寡言英国军情六处总部的间谍Alex(爱德华·霍尔克罗夫特 Edward Holcroft 饰)。即使出身和性格迥然不同,二人度过了最美好的一段时光。   然而浪漫的恋爱故事并未向顺利的方向进行,不久后Alex神秘失踪,Danny开始一步步追查,一个个神秘线索把他引向一个让他窒息的可怕事实。他发现自己已经卷入了一个纷繁复杂又危机重重的间谍世界。他能否凭一己之力,与这个强大的对手斗争到底,找出真相?
  • 爱情 
      老庄园主去世后,可怜的母女四人被长子逐出了庄园。靠着亲戚的帮助,她们在一处小小的农舍安顿下来。势力眼的长嫂未曾想到的是,她的弟弟爱德华(休·格兰特 饰)爱上了三姐妹中的大姐埃莉诺(艾玛·汤普森 饰)。理智的埃莉诺尽管也倾心于爱德华,却顾及两人地位的悬殊而努力克制着自己的感情。  与此同时,妹妹玛丽安娜(凯特·温丝莱特 饰)和英俊的军官威罗比(格雷·怀斯 饰)陷入热恋。情感外露的玛丽安娜热情奔放的释放着自己对威罗比的爱慕,甚至不顾及伤害追求者布兰登(艾伦·瑞克曼 饰)上校的感情。未曾想,威罗比为人不正,根本没有把玛丽安娜的感情真正放在心上。两个姐妹的感情相继陷入了危机。  性格迥异的两姐妹谁能得到真正的爱情,如愿以偿呢?母女四人又该如何走出生活的困境呢?
  • 欧美 
      第11季共4集  1、Mrs McGinty's Dead 清洁女工之死  2、Cat Among the Pigeons 校园疑云(鸽群中的猫)  3、Third Girl 公寓女郎(第三个女郎)  4、Appointment with Death 死亡约会