
  • 剧情 
    一个在贫民窟长大的18岁少年因为涉嫌杀害自己的父亲被告上法庭,证人言之凿凿,各方面的证据都对他极为不利。十二个不同职业的人组成了这个案件的陪审团,他们要在休息室达成一致的意见,裁定少年是否有罪,如果罪名成立,少年将会被判处死刑。   十二个陪审团成员各有不同,除了8号陪审员(H enry Fonda 饰)之外,其他人对这个犯罪事实如此清晰的案子不屑一顾,还没有开始讨论就认定了少年有罪。8号陪审员提出了自己的“合理疑点”,耐心地说服其他的陪审员,在这个过程中,他们每个人不同的人生观也在冲突和较量……
  • 剧情 
      Civil War veteran Josiah Grey comes to a small town to be a gospel minister. In time he has a family and many friends, but he also finds friction with a few of his parishioners. A young doctor grates at what he feels is the parson's interference in the scientific treatment of patients, and a mine owner resents Grey's protection of an old sharecropper whose small plot of land stands in the way of his continued mining. Grey must face a public health crisis and a lynch mob as a result, all seen and described through the eyes and memory of Grey's young nephew John.
  • 截稿

      Ed Hutcheson, tough editor of the New York 'Day', finds that the late owner's heirs are selling the crusading paper to a strictly commercial rival. At first he sees impending unemployment as an opportunity to win back his estranged wife Nora. But when a reporter, pursuing a lead on racketeer Rienzi, is badly beaten, Hutcheson is stung into a full fledged crusade against the gangster, hoping Rienzi can be tied to a woman's murder...in the 3 issues before the end of 'The Day.'
  • 剧情 
  • 剧情 
    一个在贫民窟长大的18岁少年因为涉嫌杀害自己的父亲被告上法庭,证人言之凿凿,各方面的证据都对他极为不利。十二个不同职业的人组成了这个案件的陪审团,他们要在休息室达成一致的意见,裁定少年是否有罪,如果罪名成立,少年将会被判处死刑。  十二个陪审团成员各有不同,除了8号陪审员(H enry Fonda 饰)之外,其他人对这个犯罪事实如此清晰的案子不屑一顾,还没有开始讨论就认定了少年有罪。8号陪审员提出了自己的“合理疑点”,耐心地说服其他的陪审员,在这个过程中,他们每个人不同的人生观也在冲突和较量……
  • 剧情 
  • 剧情 
      Harry Palmer已经离开了英国情报服务部门并成为一个私家侦探。他接到的第一个业务就是带一样东西去赫尔辛基,可是他带在身上的东西可没那么简单,他开始怀疑他这个亿万富翁到底给了他什么……