
  • 渔王

      杰克(杰夫·布里吉斯 Jeff Bridges 饰)曾是一名电台主持人,一次意外中,他的不当言辞导致了了一个名为埃德温(克里斯蒂安·克莱门松 Christian Clemenson 饰)的男人精神崩溃举枪乱射,酿成了多人伤亡的惨痛后果,心中充满内疚和痛苦的杰克从此陷入了人生的低谷无法自拔。  杰克结识了名为帕里(罗宾·威廉斯 Robin Williams 饰)的流浪汉,令杰克没有想到的是,竟然是自己造成了帕里的疯疯癫癫。原来,帕里曾是一名学富五车的教授,他的妻子正是埃德温枪下的冤魂,帕里无法承受失去妻子的痛苦,发了疯。为了弥补自己的过失,杰克决定帮助帕里。最终,杰克不仅撮合了帕里和女秘书莉迪亚(阿曼达·普拉莫 Amanda Plummer 饰),还成功的令帕里恢复了理智。
  •   卡尔(大卫·海德·皮尔斯 David Hyde Pierce 饰)是一位小有名气的作家,他深深爱着自己的妻子李(凯瑟琳·基纳 Catherine Keener 饰),无奈落花有意流水无情,李的一片真心却全部放在了当红电影明星卡尔文(布莱尔·安德伍德 Blair Underwood 饰)的身上,即便如此,卡尔还是努力的为妻子创造着出人头地的机会。  卡尔文因为一部名叫《尼古拉斯》的电影而获得了观众的认可,与此同时,凯瑟琳(朱莉娅·罗伯茨 Julia Roberts 饰)、古斯(大卫·杜楚尼 David Duchovny 饰)、尼基(尼基·凯特 Nicky Katt 饰)等人走到了一起。一天之内,导演展现了众角色之间错综复杂的关系,一场在贝弗利山庄举行的盛大生日晚宴将气氛烘托到了最高点。
  •   这天,15岁的少年占美阴差阳错的得到了一张球状星空藏宝图。这张地图记录了宇宙海盗搜刮来的巨额财宝的埋藏地点,于是少年占美踏上了一艘巨大的太空帆船,他的太空历险由此开始。  占美遇到了船上的厨师约翰,在约翰的帮助下,占美学习到了很多太空人的知识。在一系列的太空历险与战斗中,占美逐渐掌握在太空生存的技巧与法则。当他们越来越接近宝藏时,占美慢慢发现原来自己一路上的好朋友约翰原来是一个阴险狡诈的海盗。面对朋友的背叛,占美将如何是好?
  • 喜剧 
      自从妻子去世后,萨姆(汤姆·汉克斯 Tom Hanks饰)就相信自己此生的爱已经走到了尽头,不会再有新的恋情走进心中,他在西雅图和儿子乔纳一起平静的生活。而乔纳,却一直希望爸爸能够开始新的婚姻,重获生活的阳光。  抱着这样的想法,乔纳在圣诞夜打电话到电台的情感热线。就这样,萨姆的经历在此夜传遍了各个角落,很多人在倾听他的故事,其中包括安妮(梅格·瑞安 Meg Ryan饰)——一个住在东部的女记者。她善良,温柔,有一个知心的好友,和一个即将结婚的男友。然而,幸福的生活就被这个电话彻底打破了。她的内心有一种冲动,让她一步步地接近这个远在西部的男人。  然而,一次次辗转的错过让萨姆和安妮迟迟不能会面。屡次在缘份的天空下失诸交臂的二人,一直为爱而奔波,等待一个遇见的机缘。
  •   Eminent Boston Psychiatrist, Frasier Crane, last seen gracing the bars of Cheers has left his life there to start afresh in Seattle. He now has a spot as a popular radio Psychiatrist, giving him the chance to spread words of wit and wisdom to the masses. He shares his apartment with his retired cop father, Martin, and his father's physical care assistant, Daphne Moon. Add in brother Niles, Eddie the dog, some bizarre situations and plenty of humour and you've got all the ingredients for an excellent show and worthy successor to Cheers.
  •   Eminent Boston Psychiatrist, Frasier Crane, last seen gracing the bars of Cheers has left his life there to start afresh in Seattle. He now has a spot as a popular radio Psychiatrist, giving him the chance to spread words of wit and wisdom to the masses. He shares his apartment with his retired cop father, Martin, and his father's physical care assistant, Daphne Moon. Add in brother Niles, Eddie the dog, some bizarre situations and plenty of humour and you've got all the ingredients for an excellent show and worthy successor to Cheers.
  •   这是美国历史上最伟大的喜剧之一。这一切都来自一位名叫弗莱泽的波士顿的精神病医生,在结束了自己两段不幸福的婚姻后,心灰薏冷的返回了自己父亲的老家西雅图,父亲从英国请来的私人女健康顾问以及同为精神病医生的弟弟共同住进了一所公寓,弗莱泽医生在当地的广播电台找到了工作,充当一个类似心理咨询栏目的主播,在这个岗位上,他可以借着电波为人们解决心理上的难题,也因此解释了很多朋友,也被迫天天面对着“热情”的女节目制作人。同时,作为喜剧,弗莱泽的后院也不会安然无恙。他的警察父亲倒不是最麻烦的,麻烦的是他弟弟深深暗恋着女健康顾问,经过弗莱泽和弟弟六年的努力,二人终于开始交往,种种复杂的情况带来了无穷的笑料。
  •   Eminent Boston Psychiatrist, Frasier Crane, last seen gracing the bars of Cheers has left his life there to start afresh in Seattle. He now has a spot as a popular radio Psychiatrist, giving him the chance to spread words of wit and wisdom to the masses. He shares his apartment with his retired cop father, Martin, and his father's physical care assistant, Daphne Moon. Add in brother Niles, Eddie the dog, some bizarre situations and plenty of humour and you've got all the ingredients for an excellent show and worthy successor to Cheers.
  •   Eminent Boston Psychiatrist, Frasier Crane, last seen gracing the bars of Cheers has left his life there to start afresh in Seattle. He now has a spot as a popular radio Psychiatrist, giving him the chance to spread words of wit and wisdom to the masses. He shares his apartment with his retired cop father, Martin, and his father's physical care assistant, Daphne Moon. Add in brother Niles, Eddie the dog, some bizarre situations and plenty of humour and you've got all the ingredients for an excellent show and worthy successor to Cheers.
  •   Eminent Boston Psychiatrist, Frasier Crane, last seen gracing the bars of Cheers has left his life there to start afresh in Seattle. He now has a spot as a popular radio Psychiatrist, giving him the chance to spread words of wit and wisdom to the masses. He shares his apartment with his retired cop father, Martin, and his father's physical care assistant, Daphne Moon. Add in brother Niles, Eddie the dog, some bizarre situations and plenty of humour and you've got all the ingredients for an excellent show and worthy successor to Cheers.
  •   Eminent Boston Psychiatrist, Frasier Crane, last seen gracing the bars of Cheers has left his life there to start afresh in Seattle. He now has a spot as a popular radio Psychiatrist, giving him the chance to spread words of wit and wisdom to the masses. He shares his apartment with his retired cop father, Martin, and his father's physical care assistant, Daphne Moon. Add in brother Niles, Eddie the dog, some bizarre situations and plenty of humour and you've got all the ingredients for an excellent show and worthy successor to Cheers.
  •   Eminent Boston Psychiatrist, Frasier Crane, last seen gracing the bars of Cheers has left his life there to start afresh in Seattle. He now has a spot as a popular radio Psychiatrist, giving him the chance to spread words of wit and wisdom to the masses. He shares his apartment with his retired cop father, Martin, and his father's physical care assistant, Daphne Moon. Add in brother Niles, Eddie the dog, some bizarre situations and plenty of humour and you've got all the ingredients for an excellent show and worthy successor to Cheers.
  •   Eminent Boston Psychiatrist, Frasier Crane, last seen gracing the bars of Cheers has left his life there to start afresh in Seattle. He now has a spot as a popular radio Psychiatrist, giving him the chance to spread words of wit and wisdom to the masses. He shares his apartment with his retired cop father, Martin, and his father's physical care assistant, Daphne Moon. Add in brother Niles, Eddie the dog, some bizarre situations and plenty of humour and you've got all the ingredients for an excellent show and worthy successor to Cheers.
  •   这是美国历史上最伟大的喜剧之一。这一切都来自一位名叫弗莱泽的波士顿的精神病医生,在结束了自己两段不幸福的婚姻后,心灰薏冷的返回了自己父亲的老家西雅图,父亲从英国请来的私人女健康顾问以及同为精神病医生的弟弟共同住进了一所公寓,弗莱泽医生在当地的广播电台找到了工作,充当一个类似心理咨询栏目的主播,在这个岗位上,他可以借着电波为人们解决心理上的难题,也因此结识了很多朋友,也被迫天天面对着“热情”的女节目制作人。同时,作为喜剧,弗莱泽的后院也不会安然无恙。他的警察父亲倒不是最麻烦的,麻烦的是他弟弟深深暗恋着女健康顾问,经过弗莱泽和弟弟六年的努力,二人终于开始交往,种种复杂的情况带来了无穷的笑料。
  •   Eminent Boston Psychiatrist, Frasier Crane, last seen gracing the bars of Cheers has left his life there to start afresh in Seattle. He now has a spot as a popular radio Psychiatrist, giving him the chance to spread words of wit and wisdom to the masses. He shares his apartment with his retired cop father, Martin, and his father's physical care assistant, Daphne Moon. Add in brother Niles, Eddie the dog, some bizarre situations and plenty of humour and you've got all the ingredients for an excellent show and worthy successor to Cheers.
  • 美国 
    美国公共电视网ABC于日前正式购得,讲述同志权益斗争的八小时迷你剧《当我们崛起》(When We Rise,暂译)。美国大导格斯·范·桑特将执导该剧两小时时长的首播集,《米尔克》编剧达斯汀·兰斯·布莱克则撰写本片剧本,这也是两人时隔8年后的再度合作。该剧目前已在紧锣密鼓地筹备中。
  • 美国 
    NetFlix正式宣布开拍《哈啦夏令营》的电视剧版。这部根据2001年播出的电影改编的剧集将会设定为8集迷你剧。更令人兴奋的是,如今看来星光熠熠的电影版卡司如今宣布全员回归!Bradley Cooper、Amy Poehler、Paul Rudd等等.....
  • 美国 
    故事灵感来源于厨师、作家及电视节目主持人Julia Child的非凡人生,以及她具有开创性的电视节目《法兰西厨师》。通过Julia和她乐观敢闯的态度,本剧将探索美国历史上一个不断发展的时期:公共电视作为一种新的社会制度出现,女权主义和妇女运动,名人的本质,以及美国的文化发展。就核心而言,本剧刻画了一段充满爱的婚姻中,变化且复杂的作用力。
  • 欧美 
      故事灵感来源于厨师、作家及电视节目主持人Julia Child的非凡人生,以及她具有开创性的电视节目《法兰西厨师》。通过Julia和她乐观敢闯的态度,本剧将探索美国历史上一个不断发展的时期:公共电视作为一种新的社会制度出现,女权主义和妇女运动,名人的本质,以及美国的文化发展。就核心而言,本剧刻画了一段充满爱的婚姻中,变化且复杂的作用力。