
  • 引诱2023

    在杂志社工作的伊内姿梦想是成为首屈一指的记者,然而总是被指派打杂、跑腿,写的稿子始终不被采纳。 某天,她撞上了一辆保时捷,车主正是总部派来的财务长菲利普,两人展开了宛如爱情芭乐剧般的关系。 伊内姿在夜店结识了退役的足球金童麦克斯,并取得三天贴身独家采访的机会,眼看流量密码送上门,伊内姿使出浑身解数与麦克斯展开一场「诱惑游戏」。 周旋在两大性感帅哥之间,究竟谁会臣服在这场从肉体到心灵的诱惑中? 此时,编辑部收到一则匿名爆料的3P性爱影片,主角正是他们三人……
  • 剧情 
      Emi is a young ambitious girl who has been dreaming about a big world for years. Whenever an opportunity arises, she jumps into its modes without hesitation, becoming an exclusive escort. Soon it is she who, at the invitation of Arab sheikhs, begins to recruit Polish misses, celebrities, screen stars and models. However, this inaccessible, luxurious world will soon show its dark side .