
  • 剧情 
    Time is fluid in this far-fetched, whimsical western tale of music and love. Somewhere in the future past, The Man In the Black Hat hides out between heists at an old stagecoach stop with Jail Time, the Particle Kid, and an odd band of outlaws. Mining the detritus of past civilizations, they wait… for the Silver Eagle, for the womenfolk, and for the full moon's magic to give ri...
  • 记录 
      本片是美国摇滚乐队“THE BAND"在三藩市作告别演出音乐会的纪录片。 片中的大腕实在太多了。  马丁.史高塞斯的导演手法出色,在把握节奏、色彩运用方面掌握得非常有尺度;鲍里斯.李文的摄影技术也是炉火纯青,使得本片成为摇滚乐纪录片的代表作之一。