
  • 喜剧 
      Nick and Nora's hopes for a pleasant afternoon at the local race track are dashed when a jockey is found shot dead in the locker room. Nick's friend Lt. Abrams wants him to help out but Nick is enjoying the good life too much to get involved. However, he is subsequently approached by Major Scully to look into corruption and the role of organized crime in gambling. Others are killed but in the end, Nick gathers all of the suspects into a room and identifies the killer.
  • 闪灵

      杰克(杰克•尼科尔森 Jack Nicholson 饰)是一个作家。一个冬天,他得到了一个看管山顶酒店的差事。这正合杰克的意思,他正好可以有一个幽静的地方写作。于是杰克带着妻儿搬进了酒店。  冬天大雪封路,山顶酒店只有杰克一家三口。从他们一搬进来,杰克的妻子温蒂(谢莉·杜瓦尔 Shelley Duvall 饰)就发现这里气氛诡异,杰克的儿子丹尼(丹尼·劳埃德 Danny Lloyd 饰)经常看到一些他不认识的人,但这里除了他们一家别无他人。而杰克除了一整天闷头写作外,脾气亦变得越来越古怪。  直到有一天,温蒂发现丈夫这些天来一直写就只有一句话:杰克发疯了!