
  • 下班后

      电脑文书保罗(Griffin Dunne 饰)下班后去餐厅宵夜,他手上的《北回归线》让邻座的神秘女子玛西(Rosanna Arquette 饰)上前搭讪,玛西留下电话号码,并向他介绍与自己合租的女雕塑家琦琦。保罗为追求一段艳遇,在午夜时分拨通了玛西的电话,玛西家中因纸糊雕塑显得凌乱不堪,她本人则急于喋喋不休的倾诉,让保罗无法得逞,保罗不能忍受那个没有露脸的男人“富兰克林”与玛西的神经质表现,在急欲返家之时,却又卷入了连串麻烦,与酒吧老板、酒吧女招待、朋克青年们、两名窃贼、开冰激凌车的女青年等等纠缠不清,似乎在这个夜里,所有人都在妨碍保罗回家。  本片获1986年戛纳电影节最佳导演奖,1986年独立精神将最佳导演奖。
  • 剧情 
      故事发生在1968年的美国芝加哥,民众们对越南战争和麦卡锡主义的反对呼声越来越高,一场声势浩荡的民主运动一触即发。约翰(罗伯特·福斯特 Robert Forster 饰)是电视台的摄影记者,他亲眼目睹了事件的来龙去脉,并有幸成为了事件中的一员。  一次偶然中,约翰结识了名叫艾琳(弗娜·布鲁姆 Verna Bloom 饰)的女子,她的丈夫在越战中不幸死去,约翰对艾琳心怀怜悯。随着时间的推移,约翰渐渐爱上了善良坚强的艾琳,而艾琳亦对正直的约翰心生爱慕,两人走到了一起。然而,这段恋情遭到了艾琳的儿子哈罗德(Harold Blankenship 饰)的强烈反对,不惜以离家出走来表示抗议,可是,就在哈罗德离家当天,骚乱爆发了,在一片混乱之中,艾琳悲哀而绝望地寻找着自己的儿子。
  • 剧情 
      本片不以《圣经》为依据,而是以故事为线索展示心灵内在的信仰冲突。当以色列处于罗马统治下的时候,木匠耶稣(威廉·达福 Willem Dafoe 饰)为罗马军队制作十字架,他为冥冥中似乎来自上帝的召唤而困扰。耶稣动身探求真相,于路邂逅起义者犹大(Harvey Keitel 饰)和昔日的朋友妓女抹大拉,他们指责耶稣的懦弱,使其坚定了信仰,越来越多的信徒加入了耶稣的队伍,施洗者约翰指点耶稣前往沙漠。耶稣抵御了诱惑,获得更大的力量,他带人围攻耶路撒冷神殿,令犹大去罗马当局告发自己,在十字架上的耶稣得到天使的信息,他走下十字架,过上了平凡的生活,直到多年以后,耶稣发现了事情的真相,重新回到了自己命运中……  本片根据卡赞察斯基的同名小说改编,自从1983年斯科塞斯第一次筹划将本片搬上银幕,宗教团体的反对声便喧嚣尘上,致使拍片计划一再拖延。
  •   As the film opens on an Oklahoma farm during the depression, two simultaneous visitors literally hit the Wagoneer home: a ruinous dust storm and a convertible crazily driven by Red, the missus' brother. A roguish country-western musician, he has just been invited to audition for the Grand Ole Opry, his chance of a lifetime to become a success. However, this is way back in Nashville, Red clearly drives terribly, and he's broke and sick with tuberculosis to boot. Whit, 14, seeing his own chance of a lifetime to avoid "growing up to be a cotton picker all my life," begs Ma to let him go with Uncle Red as driver and protege. Thus begins a picaresque journey both hilarious and poignant.
  • 剧情 
      Natty Gann (played by Meredith Salenger) is a twelve year old Depression era girl whose single-parent father leaves her behind in Chicago while he goes to Washington State to look for work in the timber industry. Natty runs away from the guardian she was left with to follow Dad. She befriends and is befriended by a wolf that has been abused in dog fights, hops a freight train west, and is presumed dead when her wallet is found after the train crashes. Dad gets bitter and endangers himself in his new job. Meanwhile Natty has a series of adventures and mis- adventures in various farmhouses, police stations, hobo camps, reform schools, and boxcars.
  •   克林特·伊斯特伍德饰演一名神秘客,从热浪逼人的沙漠来到罪恶满城的拉高镇,并被邀请出手阻止三个刚出狱的枪手继续犯案。