
  • 喜剧 
      本片是由11个黑白短片综合而成的短篇集,每个短片都围绕咖啡与香烟展开。  一。罗伯托·贝尼尼(罗伯托·贝尼尼 Roberto Benigni 饰)坐在一家咖啡馆喝着咖啡,史蒂夫·赖特(史蒂夫·赖特 Steven Wright 饰)过来与他攀谈,然而两人似乎没有什么共同语言 ,只在重复表达对咖啡与香烟的热爱……  二。一家咖啡厅里坐着一对黑人双胞胎兄妹,咖啡厅服务员突然对他们很感兴趣,即坐下与之热情交谈,然而兄妹俩似乎对这个不知所云的人毫无兴趣,只在继续抽烟喝咖啡……  三。加利福尼亚某处的一家咖啡馆,流行歌手伊基·波普(伊基·波普 Iggy Pop 饰)与汤姆·威兹(汤姆·威兹 Tom Waits 饰)正在以抽烟的方式庆祝他们戒烟成功。该短片曾获1993年戛纳电影节短片单元金棕榈奖。  ……  十一。这天夜里,喝着速溶咖啡、抽着卷烟的两个老人William Rice(William Rice 饰)与Taylor Mead(Taylor Mead 饰)谈论起过去的音乐。在这个有些忧伤的话题进行到一半时,Taylor像孩子般熟睡过去了……
  • 剧情 
      Since 2014, in France, Restorative Justice has offered victims and perpetrators of offences the opportunity to dialogue through secure systems, supervised by professionals and volunteers such as Judith, Fanny or Michel. Nassim, Issa, and Thomas, sentenced for theft with violence, Gregoire, Nawelle and Sabine, victims of home jacking, robbery and purse snatching. Also Chloe, victim of incestuous rape, all engage in measures of Restorative Justice. On their journey, there is anger and hope, silence and words, alliances and heartbreaks, awareness and regained confidence. And at the end of the road, sometimes, reparation.
  • 记录 
      A documentary of the musical band Eagles and their 2004 concert in Melbourne, Australia.