
  • 果尔达

  • 剧情 
      根据著名作家阿摩司奥兹小说“地下室的黑豹”改编而成的电影,故事发生在1947年的巴勒斯坦,就在几个月之内,以色列自立为一个国家。 Proffy Liebowitz这名11岁的小鬼对于英国占领了它的国土感到非常不满, 并常常和他的两个朋友策划一切恐怖行动来恐吓或炸毁英国军队,直到有一天晚上,他从禁闭放出来后, 又被英国军官Sergeant Dunlop抓住了,但是军官并没有抓他回去,反而自己掏路费送他回家了,但是以后,这两个朋友兼敌人的故事会怎样发展呢?
  • 伦理 
    A colorful extreme display of the Israeli director. Matana MiShamayim is quite different from Kosashvili's "Late Marriage". The primitive traditional family values (Georgian in this case) are brought here some steps beyond to present a comic macabre reality. Women ie. are portrayed in the film as objects to be used in the patriarchal chauvinistic society they live in. They are ... (展开全部)   A colorful extreme display of the Israeli director. Matana MiShamayim is quite different from Kosashvili's "Late Marriage". The primitive traditional family values (Georgian in this case) are brought here some steps beyond to present a comic macabre reality. Women ie. are portrayed in the film as objects to be used in the patriarchal chauvinistic society they live in. They are kidnapped, threatened, locked in a closet and often molested in order to channel shame on their husbands. On the other hand, they are always the center of of attention, encompassing every aspect of desire men have, thus they can control and manipulated men, but only to a certain extent - the head of the family (played by the amazing actor Mony Moshonov).