
  • 喜剧 
      An action crime comedy set in the last days of communism in Poland, a story of folk-hero thief, who escaped 29 times from cops. Naymro was living on his own terms against the system. But love and collapsing Berlin Wall changed everything.
  • 剧情 
      Mr. Tomasz, who sometimes introduced himself as Tomasz the Vagabond, was called by his friends Mr. Samochodzik. He owed his nickname to an unusual vehicle inherited from his uncle-inventor. This car, although ugly, "a cross between a canoe and a wheelbarrow", as the malicious people called it, had incredible capabilities: with a Ferrari 410 engine, it could run at a speed of 280 km per hour. Thanks to the screw used, it served as a motor boat. In this vehicle, Mr. Tomasz went to Poland to decipher another historical mystery, to catch thieves and smugglers trying to steal valuable historic items. Treasure hunting is great, but... it's better that no one interferes with it... In the meantime, some Danes and a suspicious group of Polish youth follow the trail of Mr. Samochodzik's search in the Teutonic castles and the headquarters of the Templars. To find the treasure you need a lot of knowledge, cunning and... a lot of luck. Who will have more?
  • 索莱

      两个不识彼此的青少年,少男终日沉迷电玩,少女则是身怀六甲,孤独是两人唯一的共通点;为了金钱,他们钻律法漏洞,假扮夫妻,好让婴孩未来过继给少男不孕的叔叔。疏离的两人,尽管共处一室还是少有交集;随着婴儿意外早产,他们被迫拉近距离,多了怀抱里的婴孩,生活突然有了温度。在满室寂 寞之中,爱的声音已悄然在耳边喧哗。
  • 驴叫

  • 娜塔莉亚是一名雄心勃勃的计算机科学系学生,梦想在久负盛名的比赛中胜出。她的制胜关键是创造一款创新的应用程序,以满足同龄人的好奇心和性需求。问题是她对编程了若指掌,但对性却知之甚少。于是她决定与好朋友宝琳娜和室友莫妮卡联手。为了发明一种女性高潮的算法,女孩们开始探索神秘而复杂的性世界,并在此过程中越来越了解自己。《性福演算法》是一部有趣而发人深省的故事,围绕当今年轻女孩的生活展开叙述,讲述了她们在成长过程中了解到的女性力量和性知识。
  • 剧情 
      The action of the film takes place in 1943. The title character is a cosmopolitan and incapable of deeper feelings seducer. In Poland, he lost his entire family. Alone - being in the heart of Nazi Germany - he hides his Jewish origins and often eludes death. He works as a waiter in the restaurant of an exclusive hotel and carelessly enjoys all the charms of life surrounded by luxury, beautiful women and friends from all over Europe. However, when the war begins to take a bloody toll on those closest to him, the intricately built world that surrounds him crumbles like a house of cards.
  • 剧情 
    两个不识彼此的青少年,少男终日沉迷电玩,少女则是身怀六甲,孤独是两人唯一的共通点;为了金钱,他们钻律法漏洞,假扮夫妻,好让婴孩未来过继给少男不孕的叔叔。疏离的两人,尽管共处一室还是少有交集;随着婴儿意外早产,他们被迫拉近距离,多了怀抱里的婴孩,生活突然有了温度。在满室寂 寞之中,爱的声音已悄然在耳边喧哗。