
  •   值英玛褒曼诞辰百年纪念,受其启蒙的德国新电影领军人物之一冯佐妲,回溯大师的一生传奇。她走访镜头前后与大师合作无间的莉芙乌曼、深受其影响的新一代电影人包括奥利维亚阿萨耶斯、鲁宾奥士伦、卡洛斯索拉,及褒曼的儿子等,从他们的真知灼见,呈现褒曼的立体人像。本纪录片亦辑选了褒曼的珍贵片段、探讨其电影主题、到访其灵感泉源之地如斯德哥尔摩皇家戏剧院、以至回顾因税务问题而流亡德国的十年岁月,冯佐妲凭女性独有眼光和触角,层层剖析褒曼复杂的内心世界及光影迷思。
  • 剧情 
  • 剧情 
  • 剧情 
      年轻美丽的西德女孩卡塔琳娜•布鲁姆(Angela Winkler 饰)有段失败的婚姻,她偶然在亲戚家的晚会上邂逅英军男子路德维希•戈顿(Jürgen Prochnow 饰),两人一见钟情,并共度浪漫的一夜。然第二天一早,军警破门而入,四处搜查,戈顿已不见踪影。原来戈顿系警方通缉的抢劫犯,卡塔琳娜被作为同犯逮捕。  警方的搜捕轰动一时,《图片报》记者托特盖斯(Dieter Laser 饰)四处打探消息,搜集卡塔琳娜的隐私。他将搜集到的素材提供给警长拜茨迈纳(Mario Adorf 饰),警长再将这些作为证据,对卡塔琳娜进行严刑拷问。原本生活平静的卡塔琳娜一瞬间跌至谷底……  本片改编德国著名作家,诺贝尔文学奖获得者海因里希•伯尔的同名小说。
  • 太阳神

      Volker Schlöndorff transposes Bertolt Brecht’s late-expressionist work to latter-day 1969. Poet and anarchist Baal lives in an attic and reads his poems to cab drivers. At first feted and later rejected by bourgeois society, Baal roams through forests and along motorways, greedy for schnapps, cigarettes, women and men: ‘You have to let out the beast, let him out into the sunlight.’ After impregnating a young actress he soon comes to regard her as a millstone round his neck. He stabs a friend to death and dies alone. ‘You are useless, mangy and wild, you beast, you crawl through the lowest boughs of the tree.’  The film takes youthful impetuousness and hatred of oppression as its subject and also ponders the cult of genius and sexual morals. Rainer Werner Fassbinder simultaneously plays both Baal and himself and is surrounded by many actors who were later to perform in his own films. After the film was broadcast on West German television, Brecht’s widow Helene Weigel prohibited any further screenings, arguing that the social circumstances engendering Baal’s rebelliousness had not been adequately explained.