
  • 剧情 
    从小失去父亲的女孩凯瑟琳(安娜索菲亚·罗伯 AnnaSophia Robb 饰),在青春期时无比叛逆,她糟糕的行为令学校、母亲、继父头痛不已。于是,不管凯瑟琳同意与否,母亲坚持将她送到了由杜雷伊特小姐(乌玛·瑟曼 Uma Thurman 饰)经营的布莱克伍德寄宿学校。该学校地处偏远乡村,限制学生与外界通话,拒绝网络使用,其创办初衷专门是为了教育矫正那些有着严重问题的女孩子。次日,另外四名劣迹斑斑的女孩子也来到了该学校,她们将跟随数学、文学、音乐、艺术老师学习,再造一个全新的自己。短时间内,少女们各方面的才华陆续得到激发,仿佛她们重新得到命运之神的眷顾。   然而,一切似乎又发生的如此之诡异……
  • 恐怖 
      After a winter storm strands five friends in a remote cabin with no power and little food, disorientation slowly claims their sanity as each of them succumbs to a fear that the snow itself may be contaminated or somehow evil.
  • 喜剧 
      "Jane (Victoria Moroles) is a 15-year-old girl whose very human mother died recently and may have slept with a vampire about, say, 15 years and nine months ago. The fact she craves raw meat and has to wear a lot of sunblock are also clues that Francis is her father. The realization that his cool-guy life as an immortal vampire might be changing radically is at first scary to Francis, but eventually he embraces it, and that’s when things get really interesting." --from gizmodo