
  • 剧情 
      To Elena, existence is an effort—not only does she struggle against her body affected by Parkinson’s, but her daughter has just shown up dead and only she finds the suicide hypothesis implausible. Elena is not a good victim, and doesn’t show signs of having been a selfless mother. She is vulnerable, but also overcome by rage and sorrow, and that stubbornness seems to render her invincible, against all odds. But investigating the reasons for her daughter’s death soon becomes a trip through memory, and, as we’ve known since the time of Greek tragedies, every investigation is, deep down, an investigation about oneself. Elena Knows submerges us in the physical and mental experience of its protagonist and, at the same time, invites us to ask ourselves uncomfortable questions about aging, the complexity of mother-daughter bonds and the weight of those mandates women drag the same way Elena drags her feet.
  • 峰会

  •   《荒蛮故事》是一部黑色喜剧,由6个独立的暴力复仇小故事构成。影片是一次对于人类失控行径的颠覆性创作,从怪异的幽默感,独特的画面和大胆的配乐,到对于身处绝境的普通人这一题材的偏爱,都可以清晰地看到南美鬼才导演达米安·斯兹弗隆与阿莫多瓦在创作方面的相似之处。不过,斯兹弗隆仍然通过这部影片发出了自己独特的声音:一场对于一个腐败成风、经济和社会严重不平等的社会的尖锐抨击。
  •   在经历过创伤后,Inés患上了睡眠障碍,并被恶梦缠身。梦寐以求的人物想占有她的身体吗? Natalia Meta制作的高度原创的心理性惊悚片。