
  • 娘子军

    In Greta Thunberg’s wake, the young have commenced an unrelenting struggle to save our planet. At the front of these corteges, and making headlines in the media as well as on social networks, young women have become the movement’s figureheads, sometimes in spite of themselves. The film follows young activists around the globe Anuna and Adéla?de (Belgium), Luisa (Germany), Léna ...
  • 剧情 
    The warmhearted story of Polish immigrant and mathematician Stan Ulam, who moved to the U.S. in the 1930s. Stan deals with the difficul t losses of family and friends all while helping to create the hydrogen bomb and the first computer.   波兰科学家乌兰姆于上世纪30年代移居到美国,他在帮助科研团队制作氢弹的过程中,他还要处理和面对一些个人得失。
  • 1900年的巴黎,妓院普萝奈像一座宫廷一样,成为寒夜里最温暖的地方。波莉娜·德埃(Iliana Zabeth 饰)刚十五岁半,写了封自荐信要求到妓院工作,声称希望“自由”;美丽的玛莲娜(Alice Barnole 饰)遇上一个肯给她蓝宝石的客人,她以为是爱情,却迎来把她割成笑面人的刀子;朱莉(Jasmine Trinca 饰)不幸染上梅毒,老相好只给她写来情意绵绵的信,放任她死亡,只有姐妹们哭泣……妓院里浮光掠影着百年前的种种,男人和贵族们的奇怪欲望,女人们被持续物化,虐恋和疾病永不止息,假面舞会要终结怎样的痛苦……
  • 剧情 
      Mona (Maëlle Poésy) has recently arrived in New York from France in order to mount her newest play — an autobiographical piece that depicts her tumultuous, on-again, off-again affair with a married photographer, Nick (Linas Phillips). Mona casts Chris (Keith Poulson) as Nick and Thérèse (Esther Garrel) to play the fictional version of herself. As rehearsals begin, a love quadrangle emerges: Mona falls for Chris, Chris becomes infatuated with Mona, and Thérèse develops deep feelings for Chris. This tangled roundelay unfolds in five chapters, covering the same events from each of the four character’s perspectives and culminating in a fraught production of the play itself.
  • 爱情 
      让娜(艾斯特·加莱尔 Esther Garrel 饰)是一个二十岁的年轻女孩,在刚刚结束了一段失败的恋情之后,她决定回到阔别已久的父亲吉勒(埃里克·卡拉瓦卡 Eric Caravaca 饰)家里,重新热络一下疏远的父女感情。  吉勒和妻子分手多年,一直都辗转在不同的女人之间。令让娜没有想到的是,当她回到家中时,竟然见到了一个年纪和自己差不多大的女孩阿丽亚娜(露易丝·谢维洛特 Louise Chevillotte 饰),这个女孩是父亲的现任情人。刚开始,阿丽亚娜的存在令让娜觉得非常的不舒服,因为这个女孩虽然年轻,但感情经历却极为丰富,并且目前正在同多位男子交往。但随着时间的推移,让娜、吉勒和阿丽亚娜之间渐渐产生了一种奇妙的关系。
  • 剧情 
      影片讲述的是一个爱情故事。一个30岁的男人和一个女人生活在一间带家具的狭小出租公寓内。男人有个女儿,是一个他抛弃过的女人所生。他会去看望女儿,女孩与生母一起独居,男子不提供分文赡养费,女子不得不外出工作抚养女孩。这个男人是一个戏剧演员,他的生活非常窘迫。他疯狂地爱上了另 外一个女人,这个女人曾经红极一时,但现在却没有工作。男人利用一切可以利用的方法,找所有能帮她的人,但是一切努力都完全无用。