
  • 剧情 
  • 剧情 
    Emma wakes up in her thirties to find herself a loser when her best friend Lola asks her to be the guardian of her about to be born child.
  •   笨手笨脚又容易紧张的布劳略,千里迢迢来到香港追寻机会,却穷困潦倒,签证还即将过期。为了继续留在香港,布劳略决定要追求一个多金美貌的中国女子乔,好落地生根。他不知道的是,其实乔也正打算利用他,来应付不断催婚的父亲。究竟在一片语言不通、文化风俗大相迳庭的土地上,能否迎来事业跟爱情的成功呢?
  • 喜剧 
      Follow the story of a 16-year-old who finds he can see the whole future of a romantic relationship when he kisses a girl for the first time.
  • 喜剧 
      格里奥(乔迪·桑切斯 Jordi Sánchez 饰)是一名成功的银行家,同时也是皇家马德里球队的铁杆粉丝。格里奥刚刚失去了他的妻子,在遗愿中,妻子希望格里奥能够带着全家老小返回她的故乡,将她的骨灰撒进大海里。  和格里奥一起踏上旅途的有他的两个女婿,他们一个是巴塞隆纳队的超级球迷,另一个是看上去就极度不靠谱的嬉皮士,很显然,这两个男人都入不了格里奥的法眼。除此之外,格里奥还见到了两年没有联系过的小儿子,他接受不了小儿子的性取向,更接受不了他已经和一个塞内加尔裔黑人订婚的事实。这将注定是一场不平静的旅程,每个人都将在此过程中更加清晰的认识自我。
  • 科幻 
    小男孩尼克(胡里奥·博希加斯 Julio Bohigas-Couto 饰)在一个风雨交加的夜晚目睹了邻居安吉尔(哈维尔·古铁雷斯 Javier Gutiérrez 饰)杀害自己妻子的场面。在和安吉尔的追逐之中,一辆车将尼克撞倒,导致了他的死亡。一晃眼多年过去,薇拉(阿德丽安娜·尤加特 Adriana Ugarte 饰)和丈夫大卫(阿尔瓦罗·莫奇 álvaro Morte 饰)带着他们的女儿住进了尼克曾经居住过的房子。   有一个电闪雷鸣的夜晚,薇拉意外的在电视里看到了尼克,让薇拉感到震惊的是,自己似乎能够通过电视和25年前的尼克对话。在薇拉的告诫之下,尼克免于一死,但过去的改变也牵连着薇拉的生活发生了巨变。大卫不再是薇拉的丈夫,而他们的女儿自然也不复存在。
  •   西班牙的深夜,一名中年男子惊慌失措奔跑在丛林间,最终被一辆公路上飞驰的汽车撞成重伤。警方初步探查得知,此人是某停尸房警卫,他在出事前肯定见过什么恐怖景象。经过进一步调查发现,原来当晚停尸房丢了一具尸体。尸体名叫玛卡·维拉芙尔德(贝伦·鲁艾达 Belén Rueda 饰),是一位呼风唤雨的企业女强人,当天下午乘飞机从洛杉矶回来后不久即因心脏病去世。警方联系上玛卡的丈夫,此时正陪伴情人的亚历克斯(雨果·席尔瓦 Hugo Silva 饰)。他谈论妻子时的冷漠不得不让人对他们夫妻间的关系产生质疑。  伴随着诡异肃杀的气氛,真相渐渐浮出水面……
  • 美国 
    可是,兄弟俩夸姣的向往被有权有势又严肃的大地主罗伯打破。罗伯随意指使村里的困难公民按他的自愿行事,这两个外乡人的到来在他看来是他的”独裁统治”的一大挟制。   罗伯曩昔丧妻,和他的四个女儿一同生存:Almudena, isabel, Nieves尚有Rosa。罗伯与他的庄园总管,以及另外下属用尽种种方式筹画逼走两本土人,可是他没能揣摸他的一个女儿和其中的一个外村夫竟然坠入爱河。诚然此女之前曾经许配给新到任的医生felix——镇长之子。后任大夫由于涉嫌向罗曼暗指了他爹的出生之迷而与世长辞。by:yakubd.cc
  • 科幻 
      小男孩尼克(胡里奥·博希加斯 Julio Bohigas-Couto 饰)在一个风雨交加的夜晚目睹了邻居安吉尔(哈维尔·古铁雷斯 Javier Gutiérrez 饰)杀害自己妻子的场面。在和安吉尔的追逐之中,一辆车将尼克撞倒,导致了他的死亡。一晃眼多年过去,薇拉(阿德丽安娜·尤加特 Adriana Ugarte 饰)和丈夫大卫(阿尔瓦罗·莫奇 Álvaro Morte 饰)带着他们的女儿住进了尼克曾经居住过的房子。  有一个电闪雷鸣的夜晚,薇拉意外的在电视里看到了尼克,让薇拉感到震惊的是,自己似乎能够通过电视和25年前的尼克对话。在薇拉的告诫之下,尼克免于一死,但过去的改变也牵连着薇拉的生活发生了巨变。大卫不再是薇拉的丈夫,而他们的女儿自然也不复存在。
  • 喜剧 
      2019, City of Madrid (Madrid, center to Spain and country's capital). Marina is a woman unable to believe in love after her father was unfaithful to her mother Lourdes when she was a child, but who works as successful wedding planner in her own company with her close friend Irene and the own Lourdes as employee. In their last job Marina meets by chance Carlos, one of the invited. Having a drink together, between the two lights the flame and they make sex in the idea that they not will meet again. When at the next day Carlos' girlfriend Alexia finds Marina's calling card in his t-shirt, Carlos is unable to say her the truth, lying Alexia to make her believe that he wants to marry. But when Carlos and Alexia meet Marina, he learns that Alexia and Marina are former school classmates and that Marina suffered bullying from Alexia. After in the wedding where Marina met Carlos a drunken Lourdes caused an accident where the bride fell and crashed against a bank of the church turning it in an Internet video viral and it menaces to ruin Marina's company, Irene forces her to accept the new assignment, moving they three to Tenerife (Canary Islands, west to Africa) to meet hotel entrepreneur Arturo, Alexia's father. However, troubles appear by everywhere: Arturo despises Carlos not considering good enough for Alexia, while Carlos, who has an architecture studio with his best friend Ben, tries to convince his future father-in-law to work as hotel designer for him; at the same time, Marina revenges Alexia with a disastrous voyage by sea and later with a bottle cork, damaging her teeth. With Marina returning temporally Madrid to repair it, Marina and Carlos feel attracted each other, knowing that it put in danger their jobs. While Carlos doubts about between Marina and Alexia, this last one returns Tenerife with Ben, looking for sure the contract and that Carlos doesn't reveal Alexia the truth. According lies and deceives accumulate and the wedding comes, Carlos feels each time more trapped by the circumstances, making sure that the wedding day be unforgettable.