
  • 剧情 
      刚刚踏入社会的英国青年科林·克拉克(埃迪·雷德梅恩 Eddie Redmayne 饰)不顾家庭反对,将满腔热情投入自己热爱的电影事业之中,希望能闯出一番天地。勤奋的他得到的第一个跟组机会,竟是担任他的偶像劳伦斯·奥利弗(肯尼思·布拉纳 Kenneth Branagh 饰)导演并主演的新片《游龙戏凤》剧组的第三助理导演。这部电影邀请了当时红遍全球的美国影星玛丽莲·梦露(米歇尔·威廉姆斯 Michelle Williams 饰)主演,而科林的工作便是统筹剧组的各项杂务。开拍之后,梦露与劳伦斯·奥利弗之间因表演方法不同而产生了激烈冲突,致使剧组进度远远落后预期。科林负责于当中调停,他开始与梦露频繁接触。不知不觉间,科林发现自己已为梦露的魅力所深深吸引……  米歇尔·威廉姆斯凭借本片荣获2012年金球奖最佳女主角(喜剧/音乐类)。
  •   凯伦(梅丽尔·斯特里普 Meryl Streep 饰)是一个爱慕虚荣的富家女,为了得到一个男爵夫人的称号她离开故土丹麦远嫁东非肯尼亚,然而男爵夫人的称号并没有给凯伦带来美满的婚姻生活。幸运的是在那片广袤的土地上,凯伦可以经常外出打猎、探险,她渐渐的爱上了这片神奇的土地。 在一次打猎遇险时,凯伦邂逅了年青的英国贵族邓尼斯(罗伯特·雷德福 Robert Redford 饰)。在遭遇婚姻的破裂和丈夫出走之后,凯伦独立承担起经营庄园的任务,在劳动的过程中,凯伦渐渐的与种植园里的仆人们产生了深厚友谊,而她与邓尼斯的关系似乎也有了进展。然尔命运之神并没有从此让凯伦一帆风顺,一次大火让她不得不出卖庄园从而缓解经济的拮据,后来邓尼斯驾机意外身亡又一次给了她沉重的打击。在经历了生命的磨炼之后,凯伦最终告别了那片她洒下青春和热情的土地……  该片在1986年的第58届奥斯卡上荣获了包括最佳影片、最佳导演、最佳改编剧本在内7项大奖。
  • 动作 
      我们的邦德(皮尔斯•布鲁斯南 Pierce Brosnan 饰)又回来了!这次的任务是找回被苏联偷走的黄金眼——黄金眼是一种新式的电磁波武器。007经过缜密调查,发现背后的黑手是曾经和他一起出生入死的好兄弟——006艾利克(肖恩•宾 Sean Bean 饰)。  艾利克夺取黄金眼,意图从伦敦银行的系统中转出巨款,并利用黄金眼将证据毁灭。007在行动中遇到了美艳女郎西娜,西娜是一位变态歹徒,想尽一切办法对付007。面对昔日的好兄弟006,007最终将如何完成这项艰巨的任务?
  • 动作 
      这次007(皮尔斯•布鲁斯南 Pierce Brosnan 饰)对手是臭名昭著的国际恐怖分子雷纳德(罗伯特•卡莱尔 Robert Carlyle 饰)。为了垄断石油供给权,雷纳德杀害了石油大亨罗伯爵士,当然他也不会放过罗伯爵士的继承人——美丽的依蕾克屈(苏菲•玛索 Sophie Marceau 饰),这个狂人甚至威胁说要在土耳其巨大的输油管道里引发核爆炸。于是007必须驾着高速快艇从西班牙比尔堡的奈维河岸到伦敦的泰晤士河边,再穿越苏格兰的高地,冒着几乎不可能生还的危险去保护罗伯爵士队唯一继承人、粉碎雷纳德的阴谋。连场大战一触即发!
  •   Episode 1: High Castle  A university professor who had been working as a translator at the Nuremberg trials is stabbed to death. As Foyle investigates, he delves into the world of international oil politics and corrupt Nazi businessmen. Sam assists the murder inquiry by going undercover, despite her pregnancy.  Episode 2: Trespass  As Britain debates the creation of a Jewish state in Palestine, the son of a wealthy Jewish businessman is assaulted. The flames of anti-Semitism have recently been fanned in London by Charles Lucas, a right-wing writer, and Foyle suspects the attack was racially motivated.  Episode 3: Elise  After an attempt on Hilda Pierce's life, Foyle scrutinizes her work for SOE during the war. Could this be related to the deaths of nine SOE agents in France and rumors of a traitor called Plato?
  •   《战地神探》(又名《福依尔的战争》)是2002年至2015年期间在英国独立电视台播出的以二战和冷战初期为背景的历史侦探剧,该剧看点不仅在于扑朔迷离的案情和引人入胜的情节,还从鲜为人知的角度真实、客观、独到、深入地还原了二战历史。编剧兼制作人安东尼·霍洛维茨是英国著名推理作家,曾参与多部波洛系列剧改编,人物和案情设置深得阿加莎·克里斯蒂精髓,并大量阅读二战历史相关书籍搜集创作素材,巧妙结合二战真实历史事件,从平民视角展现了战争阴霾下人性的动荡,这种动荡在社会飞速发展变迁的今天也传递出共振,观者易产生情感共鸣;本剧整体基调不同于传统战争剧阴云密布(虽然S1略显沉重,不过从S2开始有意调整),人物不做苦大仇深状,反倒像早期波洛那样轻松且具备喜剧色彩,主角互动丰富,对白幽默诙谐,剧情不失深度;还原历史角度客观辨证,不对政府盲目歌功颂德,而是通过案件反映出英国政府的阴暗面及正邪界限的模糊,引人深思。战后季更多次表达了对于战争胜利本质的思考和质疑,在战争给人类造成的心灵和精神创伤方面则多次深入刻画,既体现人文关怀,又具备反思精神,属于难得一见的影视佳作。
  •   Fifty Ships--Foyle's determined investigation of a body on a deserted beach puts at risk the donation of American Aid and the crucial start of Lend-Lease in the war.  Among the Few--Pilots and their girlfriends live fast and die young in a story of greed and passion where Foyle finds appearances are deceptive.  War Games--Divided loyalties lead to revenge and murder when a businessman puts profits before principles in a secret pact with the Nazis.  The Funk Hole--Foyle finds himself accused of a serious offense, which complicates his hunt for a ruthless murderer at a sinister hotel.
  •   THE FRENCH DROP—Investigating a suspicious death, Foyle gets caught up in the rivalry between the established spy agency MI5 and the newly created SOE.  ENEMY FIRE—Sabotage, murder, and adultery at a pioneering RAF hospital brings Foyle face to face with the devastating physical and emotional consequences of war.  THEY FOUGHT IN THE FIELDS—A murdered farmer and the crash landing of a German plane present a confusing case, especially as spring is in the air and even Foyle is not immune to a whiff of romance.  A WAR OF NERVES—An unexploded bomb at a busy shipyard leads to a startling discovery in a complex story of greed and politics.
  • 美国 
    《战地神探》是2002年至2015年在英国ITV播出的以二战和冷战初期为背景的历史侦探剧,共八季28集。第四季的剧情背景设置在1942年至1943年间,共由Invasion、 Bad Blood、Bleak Midwinter、Casualties of War四集组成。
  • 美国 
    PLAN OF ATTACK—With the Hastings police force suffering attrition and low morale, Foyle comes out of retirement to probe the mysterious death of a cartographer from the Air Ministry office.   BROKEN SOULS—The murder of an ambitious young doctor at the local psychiatric clinic produces no shortage of suspects among the staff and patients, many of whom still experience the war’s ho...
  • 欧美 
      Episode 1: The Russian House  Foyle stumbles upon an international cover up, which, if exposed could bring down the British government, and reveal the War Office’s darkest secret yet.  Episode 2: Killing Time  Foyle goes head to head against the might of the US army, as racial prejudices erupt when a local girl is found murdered, and the finger of suspicion points to a black GI at the US military base.  Episode 3: The Hide  The newly retired Foyle battles to save a young man accused of high treason from the executioner’s noose, in a case that will shatter his personal world to the core.
  • 欧美 
      Episode 1 - The Eternity Ring  MI5 suspects British atomic research has been infiltrated, and ask Foyle to investigate whether a Russian spy network could be at work in the heart of London.  Episode 2 - The Cage  Foyle’s investigation into the death of a nameless Russian leads to a mysterious military facility and the discovery that the victim was a spy with dangerous connections to British intelligence.  Episode 3 - Sunflower  Professor Peter Van Haren gives a lecture to a group of students on the self-portraits of the artist Rembrandt and causes a young man to suffer a frightening flashback which ends in tragedy.
  • 动作 
      这次007(皮尔斯•布鲁斯南 Pierce Brosnan 饰)对手是臭名昭著的国际恐怖分子雷纳德(罗伯特•卡莱尔 Robert Carlyle 饰)。为了垄断石油供给权,雷纳德杀害了石油大亨罗伯爵士,当然他也不会放过罗伯爵士的继承人——美丽的依蕾克屈(苏菲•玛索 Sophie Marceau 饰),这个狂人甚至威胁说要在土耳其巨大的输油管道里引发核爆炸。于是007必须驾着高速快艇从西班牙比尔堡的奈维河岸到伦敦的泰晤士河边,再穿越苏格兰的高地,冒着几乎不可能生还的危险去保护罗伯爵士队唯一继承人、粉碎雷纳德的阴谋。连场大战一触即发!
  • 动作 
      我们的邦德(皮尔斯•布鲁斯南 Pierce Brosnan 饰)又回来了!这次的任务是找回被苏联偷走的黄金眼——黄金眼是一种新式的电磁波武器。007经过缜密调查,发现背后的黑手是曾经和他一起出生入死的好兄弟——006艾利克(肖恩•宾 Sean Bean 饰)。  艾利克夺取黄金眼,意图从伦敦银行的系统中转出巨款,并利用黄金眼将证据毁灭。007在行动中遇到了美艳女郎西娜,西娜是一位变态歹徒,想尽一切办法对付007。面对昔日的好兄弟006,007最终将如何完成这项艰巨的任务?