
  • 昆妮

  • 黑麦巷

      Dom and Yas’ paths collide at the least opportune time: when Dom (David Jonsson) is ugly-crying in a toilet stall, steeling himself for an awkward meal with his ex, who cheated on him with his best friend.  Nursing her own breakup wounds, freewheeling Yas decides to jump headfirst into the fray to lessen the sting as Dom’s date. What follows is a day of impulsive and joyous mayhem, as these two twenty-something Londoners roam Peckham through karaoke bars and playgrounds, all the while inching towards the possibility of opening their hearts again.  For her visually inventive feature debut, director Raine Allen-Miller launches us into a playful and vibrant world, shaping a romantic comedy that celebrates meeting the right person at the wrong time. Nathan Byron and Tom Melia’s fresh characters leap off the page at breakneck speed in the hands of Oparah and Jonsson, channeling all the frustrations of swiping fatigue while holding onto the hope of finding the real deal. Much like its namesake in the beating heart of South London, Rye Lane is irresistible.
  • 喜剧 
      电影改编自真实事件。家庭的破裂令詹姆斯(卢克·崔德威 Luke Treadaway 饰)遭受了巨大的打击开始自暴自弃,他染上了毒瘾,身无分文,成为了一名流连在街头的卖艺者。瓦尔(琼安·弗洛加特 Joanne Froggatt 饰)是负责詹姆斯的戒毒所医生,在她的帮助下,詹姆斯终于有了一个能够遮风挡雨的家,瓦尔坚信詹姆斯能够凭借自己的意志,彻底摆脱毒品的诱惑。  某日,一只流浪猫闯进了詹姆斯的家,詹姆斯收养了它,给它取名鲍勃,当詹姆斯离开家走上街头卖艺的时候,鲍勃跟在他的身边寸步不离。很快,这一人一猫的组合便吸引了过路人的注意, 詹姆斯的经济状况因此得到了巨大的改善,与此同时,詹姆斯结识了住在隔壁的女子贝拉(鲁塔·盖德敏塔斯 Ruta Gedmintas 饰),在贝拉的身上,詹姆斯重新燃起了对爱的渴望。
  •   根据Anthony Horowitz同名小说改编。少年Alex Rider从小由叔叔抚养长大,当叔叔因车祸死亡后他才知道,父亲和他曾隶属于英国情/报/机/构MI-6。Alex自小时候起就被叔叔训练各种技能,被MI-6征召后成为一名少年间谍。
  • 接生公

    Newly qualified midwife Matthew Bunting (Darren Boyd) is experiencing a kind of re-birth, having given up his life as a police constable in his mid 30s in the hope of finding something more meaningful.      He is too warm and caring to be a cop. Arriving in his first job as a junior midwife at Easthill Park Maternity Unit, Matthew makes an instant impact on his new team members.      T...