
  • 恐怖 
      Several young couples travel to a private island for a mysterious training retreat that promises to strengthen their relationship. However, during the Retreat, the heroes encounter an ancient demon - a Succubus. This monster feeds on the life energy of people, taking on someone else's appearance and provoking victims to show the worst qualities and do terrible things.
  • 科幻 
    故事讲述宇航员任务期间突发意外,伤病严重无法支撑返回地球治疗。情急之下,一名女外科医生临危受命,亲身飞赴空间站展开救援行动。时间有限,巨大的困难与挑战下,一场零重力下的极限救援即将上演!   影片为人类首部太空实拍电影。
  • 剧情 
      这是俄罗斯第一部大型电影,讲述了切尔诺贝利核电站事故的后果以及为避免全球灾难付出生命代价的人们的复原情况。并将欧洲大陆的大部分地区变成一个巨大的异地区和无人居住的沙漠。主角是消防队员阿列克谢,初看起来不像英雄。瓦莱尔卡工程师和鲍里斯的潜水员自愿同他一起去进行危险的突袭。 几乎没有时间制定详细的计划。由于熔化的堆芯临近,反应堆容器内的水每小时都变得越来越热。该小组面临着一个致命的任务,一个最危险的任务-去地狱,也许是最可怕的灾难后果。
  • 剧情 
  • 战争 
      Soldier Ivan Denisovich Shukhov was taken prisoner by the Germans, and after leaving it, he ended up in his homeland as a prisoner and he began to build a giant space industry plant. In conditions of hunger, humiliation and fear, he managed to maintain honesty and openness to the world, but will he be able to go free and meet with his daughters?