
  •   The tragedy and comedy in Carlo's life begins, grows and ends like the tragedy and comedy of Portugal. In the company of his close friend, João da Ega, allegedly a brilliant writer, Carlos, with his idle existence as an aristocratic doctor, spends his time to enjoying friends and lovers. Until he falls in love. She is a new character in this revolutionary novel. It's a vertiginous passion that goes beyond that past gloominess to reach a new and darker abyss, incest.
  •   十四岁的约翰从小就生长在修道院中,没有亲人,亦没有过去。一天,一位神秘的妇人安吉拉(玛利亚·若奥·巴斯托斯 Maria João Bastos 饰)找到了约翰,声称自己是他的亲生母亲,并且向约翰讲述了她曾经的故事。  安吉拉是侯爵的女儿,她和伯爵之子席尔瓦(何塞·阿方索·皮蒙特尔 José Afonso Pimentel 饰)相爱,遭到了父亲的强烈反对。然而,叛逆的安吉拉并没有屈服,她腹中怀着席尔瓦的孩子,决定与其私奔。暴怒的侯爵派出杀手刺杀席尔瓦,甚至连安吉拉腹中的胎儿也不放过,幸运的是,安吉拉得到了一位神父和令一位神秘人的帮助,约翰才得以长大。成年之后,约翰来到巴黎,遇见了一位贵妇,他答应帮助贵妇找到杀死她哥哥的凶手,让约翰没有想到的是,这名凶手竟然正是当初帮助过他和他母亲的神秘人。
  • 南岸

      Inspector Humberto and his associate Alice investigating two consecutive young ladies suicide suspecting to be murder.by:www.mke6.com
  • 美国 
      1968 年,在冷战时期的葡萄牙,一名享有特权的自由欧洲电台工程师兴风作浪,格洛里亚德里巴泰霍充斥着间谍、谎言和秘密。