
  • Detective Murdoch finds that the man behind a flying machine that crashes in Toronto is none other than his old nemesis, James Pendrick. He learns that Pendrick is hoping to win a $1 million prize for the first controlled flight. A body is found in the rubble of the crash but someone is clearly out to steal his invention. Murdoch also has to deal with Ottawa-based spymaster Terence Meyers who says it's all a national security matter. Meanwhile, Julia returns from Vienna intent on practicing psychiatry. She's also hoping to have her marriage to D'Arcy annulled.
  •   《太空堡垒卡拉狄加》(Battlestar Galactica)于2003年12月8日在美国科幻频道上开播迷你剧 ,之后在2004年10月18日于英国Sky One电视频道上首播第1季。该剧目前已获得包括2006年3项土星奖在内的7项各类大奖,包括5项艾美奖提名在内的11项各类提名,在收视率方面也成为美国科幻频道有史以来最受欢迎的原创剧集。该剧主要叙述的是人类和塞昂人之间的战争,及幸存的五万人类寻找新的家园地球的故事。  在宇宙中未知的地方有一个由12个人类殖民地组成的星际国家,人类为了方便制造了一种拥有独立思想及感觉的机器人-Cylons为人类服务,但人们怎样也想不到这些本应是帮助人类的机器人竟会调转头对抗自已,Cylons起来反抗人类,人类与自已制造的Cylons之战争便开始...  在经过数十年漫长、死伤无数的血战之后双方停火,Cylons离开了殖民地去建立自己的家园。40年的和平让人类放松了警惕,Cylons制造了一些与人类一模一样的机器人作间碟渗入人类世界并瘫痪了人类的防御系统,摧毁了Battlestar舰队,用核武器将殖民地的城市化为灰烬。Battlestar Galactica是唯一一艘幸存的航母,它在舰长Adama的指挥下带领几十艘各式各样的民船和近5万名人类仅剩的幸存者逃离了殖民地的星系,开始了寻找人类的第13个殖民地-地球-的旅程。
  • 欧美 
      Race for the White House is a thrilling six-part CNN Original Series narrated by Academy Award winner Kevin Spacey. Using rare archival footage, interviews, and stylized dramatizations, each hour-long episode tells the story of one iconic campaign for the Presidency of the United States. From powerful speeches to the dirty tricks and Machiavellian schemes, Race for the White House captures the drama of a high-stakes presidential election and its impact on politics today.