
  • 未知
  • 喜剧 
      税务律师菲尔·福斯特(史蒂夫·卡瑞尔 Steve Carell 饰)与房地产经纪人的妻子克莱尔·福斯特(蒂娜·费 Tina Fey 饰)是居住在新泽西州的一对普通中年夫妇,育有两子,每日生活疲累而按部就班。受朋友分居的影响,菲尔心血来潮决定将每周末的晚餐约会改到城里,去曼哈顿新开张的一家海鲜餐厅就餐。没有预约的二人顶替了他人的位子,却没曾想吃到中途被两名陌生人挟持出餐厅,用枪威胁他们归还一个闪存。不明就里且吓得半死的福斯特夫妇想办法逃脱,找到克莱尔过去一位名叫霍尔布鲁克(马克·沃尔伯格 Mark Wahlberg 饰)的客户帮忙,却依然无法摆脱追杀。二人甚至还得假扮皮条客与舞女闯入黑帮头子乔·莫雷托(雷·利奥塔 Ray Liotta 饰)的脱衣舞厅周旋,洋相百出。
  • 爱情 
      Jack Linden (Mark Ruffalo) and Hank Evans (Peter Krause) are best friends who both teach at the same university in a small New England town. They both have young children and Jack's wife, Terry (Laura Dern) is close with Hank's wife, Edith (Naomi Watts). But while things appear happy on the surface, there are smouldering pockets of discontent underneath. Financial struggle and domestic boredom has drained the passion from Jack and Terry's marriage, while Hank's numerous infidelities and self-absorption has prompted Edith to find both comfort and sexual fulfilment with Jack. As Jack begins spending more and more time with Edith, it becomes obvious to Terry, whose anger culminates in a sexual encounter with Hank. Now that the deception has come full circle, both couples are left to decide the futures of their shattered unions...