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  • 剧情 
    After taking control of the capital, Nanny's gang prepares for the biggest smuggling action in the history of Poland.
  • 剧情 
    杰西卡(南希·特拉维斯 Nancy Travis 饰)永远都不会料到,美貌会给自己带来这么大的麻烦,一次意外中,杰西卡被强盗头子帕沙(阿特·马里克 Art Malik 饰)劫持献给了苏丹国王,用以交换被俘虏的同党,看到了杰西卡的美貌,国王欣然应允。   入宫后的杰西卡感到十分绝望,皇后的嫉妒让她陷入了四面楚歌的境地。刚开始,杰西卡整天都在计划着如何逃走,但很快她便发现,这个计划根本不可能成功。随着时间的推移,杰西卡决定利用自己的美貌赢取国王的欢心,以此争取更多的机会,与此同时,杰西卡的未婚夫弗雷斯特(朱利安·山德斯 Julian Sands 饰)也在积极的寻找着未婚妻的踪迹。
  • 剧情 
    A newly reunited father and son grapple with new beginnings after tragedy, but can they manage to fill the void left by a beloved wife and mother?
  • 剧情 
    Anna is a 35-year-old single mother and a paramedic. One morning, as Anna is on the way to drop her daughter Katia at school, Katia is hit by a car. While her daughter is in a coma, Anna is informed that the driver was 18-year-old Marina, the daughter of a rich family. Marina’s mother is running for mayor and is willing to pay whatever to sweep the situation under the rug. The ...
  • 剧情 
  • 保姆

    After a sexist joke goes viral, Cédric loses his job and embarks on a therapeutic journey to free himself from sexism and misogyny. He and his girlfriend hire a mysterious and liberated babysitter to help shake things up.
  • 人道

    Humane is a Canada-Belgium co-production between Sparaga’s Victory Man Productions and Frakas Productions, which co-produced 2021 Palme d’Or winner Titane. The thriller chronicles the events at a family dinner, held after an environmental collapse where the world lost 20 percent of its population, when a father’s plan to enlist in the government’s new euthanasia program goes ho...
  • 剧情 
    The preparation, in Hungary, of the assassination in Marseilles of King Alexander of Yugoslavia in 1934.
  • 剧情 
      舒亚被困在了35楼的空房间, 没有食物, 没有水 ,也没有电, 而女友就要嫁人, 十万火急! 这次阿三终于不开挂了。
  • 喜剧 
    Pierre Perdrix has been enjoying an enchanted though restless existence since the enigmatic Juliette Webb burst into his life. A stranger who landed in his family’s unique world like a meteorite, and who by her presence alone will force this tight-knit microcosm to redefine their boundaries and finally begin to fully live their lives
  • 喜剧 
    在大学期间,斯科特(凯文·詹姆斯 Kevin James 饰)是一名野心勃勃的摔跤选手,对于摔跤的热爱让他的生活充满了挑战和激情,他曾天真的以为,这份激情不可能会有退却的一天。然而,在42岁之际,斯科特突然发现自己竟然成为了一个生活乏善可陈的中年教师,死气沉沉的工作环境,毫无前途和发展刻板职业,在内心里,有一部分早已死去。   为了节省开支,学校决定取消音乐课,作为音乐老师,马蒂(亨利·温克勒 Henry Winkler 饰)即将面临被解雇的命运。马蒂的悲惨遭遇点燃了斯科特的斗志,他决定帮朋友一把。通过打地下拳击赛,斯科特筹得了资金保住了音乐课在学校里的地位,他的这一举动却遭到了他人的误解。但是,在斯科特的内心里,放弃还是坚守,这个问题的答案早已了然于心。
  • 剧情 
  • 乔伊卡

  • 剧情 
  • 剧情 
    罗伯特(小罗伯特?唐尼Robert Downey Jr. 饰)是一名年轻的医生,在1660年的英国,医生这一职位总是受众人敬仰被捧上神坛。受到了查理二世(山姆?尼尔Sam Neill 饰)的邀请,罗伯特决定放弃在医学领域的深造,进入皇宫成为了一名御医,不仅如此,查理二世 还将西莉亚(波利?沃克Polly Walker 饰)嫁给了罗伯特,虽然西莉亚根本对罗伯特没有任何的感情,但她最终还是屈服于了这场政治联姻之中。   在皇宫里,罗伯特结识了宫廷画家费恩(休?格兰特Hugh Grant 饰),这个热情奔放的男人一直都在鼓励罗伯特去追寻自己心中真正所想。罗伯特发现自己深深的爱上了西莉亚。
  • 剧情 
    雷扎与莱拉是一对恩爱的夫妇,美中不足的是他们没有孩子,不久后雷扎发现莱拉没有生育能力。雷扎认为这并不重要,可母亲却坚持让他另娶一门妻子,以传宗接代……       本片故事上与以色列影片《向日葵》有相近之处,相同的是感情在宗教传统桎梏下的挣扎,不同的是希伯莱和伊斯兰的社会文化背景。
  • 代号47

      影片根据同名游戏改编,“代号47”(鲁伯特·弗兰德 Rupert Friend 饰)是神秘杀手组织的头号杀手,他性格冷静,智慧过人,行动神秘低调,从来没人知道他的底细,只靠颈后位置的一个纹身条码辨认身份。  “代号47”既是罪恶的化身,又是善意的使徒。他从不过问犯罪的真理 及意义,直到碰上一名惊为天人神祕女子卡蒂娅(汉娜·韦尔 Hannah Ware 饰),改写了他的命运,更使他遭到杀手组织的追杀,生命危在旦夕……
  • 为拯救身患绝症的妈妈,不孝子董璀璨和神秘人签订“契约”,用自己的时间换回了濒临死亡的妈妈。痊愈后,妈妈严锦玉不仅变回了20岁时、身体尚还健康的状态。还依靠着自己超越“同龄人”的成熟、乐观,活出了曾经不敢想象的、更精彩的人生。然而,另一方面,董璀璨为了不让妈妈担心,隐瞒了生命的真相,独自背负起了契约的代价。并决定在生命最后的时间里,弥补曾经的遗憾、报答妈妈的养育之恩……
  • 恐怖 
    Reminiscent of the horror classic The Uninvited, Michael Madsen and Robert Davi lead an all-star cast in this terrifying horror film about a TV crew shooting a reality show at an abandoned mental institution. The footage is amazing. The suspense is palpable. But then the demons make their presence known, and the TV crew realizes that life and art have mixed into a crescendo of ...
  • 剧情 
    1947. On a beach in Normandy, Madeleine, a waitress and young mother, meets Fran?ois, a wealthy, and cultivated student. They hit it off immediately, as though it were fate. But as their destinies intertwine, it’s obvious what Madeline wants to leave behind, while the world that Francois is running from is only slowly revealed.