搜索“Ara ”相关结果

  • 寂静夜

  • 喜剧 
    Talent and passion for music can take one to the very top. On the way, however, there are going to be showbiz traps. There is money, fame and fan crowds involved. Will a young girl be able to fight for her dreams in this no-holds-barred world where fame is so elusive? A controversial talent show called "Music Race" keeps looking for talented singers all over the country. The de...
  • 科幻 
  •   A girl who falls in love with a girl she sees in her dreams. She then meets her in real life.
  • 剧情 
    1944年,一队德国士兵在俄国前线受尽惊恐与恶劣环境的折磨。大兵厄斯特·盖博经过漫长等待,终于盼到了假期。回到德国,他发现自己的家园被炸毁,他孤独地找寻着自己的双亲,途中邂逅了迷人的伊丽莎白·克鲁斯,一个政治犯的女儿。他们两人在充满仇恨的世俗中求生,努力使灵魂重新归正!   In 1944, a company of German soldiers on the Russian front are numbed by the horrors and hardships of war when Private Ernst Graeber's long awaited furlough comes through. Back home in Germany, he finds his home bombed. While hopelessly searchi...
  • 喜剧 
  • 恐怖 
  • 喜剧 
    在结婚之前,人人都觉得尼诺(吉姆·罗斯·斯图尔特 Kim Rossi Stuart 饰)和亚里安(热拉尔丁·纳卡什 Géraldine Nakache 饰)会组成一个非常幸福的家庭,因为两个人的性格实在是太合拍了。可是一晃眼五年过去,他们的婚姻却即将走到尽头,因为在这五年里,两个人都埋首于各自的工作之中,团圆的日子屈指可数。   亚里安是法国首席小提琴家,常常需要环游世界进行巡演,她爱上了乐队里的指挥家。为了能够和指挥家在一起,尼诺要求身在罗马的亚里安前往法国办理离婚手续。亚里安怎么甘心就这样一脚被踹了呢?他要求尼诺在离婚之前完成一个承诺,那就是履行两人之前没有来得及完成的蜜月之旅。
  • 暗域

    Two survivors struggle through a dangerous journey in a world shrouded with evil and terror.
  • 血宴

    粉丝们涌向庆祝最具代表性的恐怖电影的节日,却发现这个活动背后的魅力狂欢节目有一个恶魔般的议程。 随着节日参与者开始消亡,三个青少年 - 比恐怖电影的陈词滥调更多,而不是关于消除心理杀手的实用知识 - 必须团结起来,通过各种疯子和怪物进行战斗才能生存。
  • 剧情 
      Jasmine takes her newfound doggy friend Happy on a long journey to her sick grandmother in Baguio. The two walk an incredible distance, face all kinds of challenges, run into many strangers and help them along the way. Her grandmother had been ill once and then a dog helped her to recover - maybe this time Happy the one.
  •   战争士兵杰克离开部队,在山里一个与世隔绝的村庄里找到了他的妻子伊娃。她搬到那里的一家工厂工作,却不知道酒吧老板的残忍。秘密警察来了,杰克和伊娃的时间似乎都到了。
  • 科幻 
    故事讲述宇航员任务期间突发意外,伤病严重无法支撑返回地球治疗。情急之下,一名女外科医生临危受命,亲身飞赴空间站展开救援行动。时间有限,巨大的困难与挑战下,一场零重力下的极限救援即将上演!   影片为人类首部太空实拍电影。
  • 动作 
  • 摆动

  • 动作 
    After an accidental explosion at a local mine, dinosaurs emerge from the rubble to terrorize a small western town. Now, a group of gunslingers must defend their home if anyone is going to survive in a battle of cowboys versus dinosaurs.
  • 西辛6

      Yaşar, a young man, has a hard time after his father's death. His inheritance from his father causes Yaşar to have problems with his stepmother. Meanwhile, Yaşar learns that her sister-in-law, Canan, who is living in the same house, is in love with her. While Yaşar is dealing with the inheritance issue and his sister-in-law, he realizes that there are some strange events at home. Yasar's mentally disordered daughter Efsun's dark past is unearthed, making things even more complicated. The pain of the family, who had to face the dark past of Efsun, is just the beginning for them.
  • 剧情 
      Lea is a young girl on the brink of death. She begins her final challenge, a thesis that seeks proof in the belief that happiness can be multiplied, as can the feelings of sadness, loneliness, and misery. Unfolding the research, she discovers the "Werther Effect", a phenomenon that creates a negative domino effect. She turns to her work on a project which will achieve the opposite effect, something which would be named the "happiness effect". Utilizing an eclectic, individualistic approach to experimentation and the power of positive thinking, connections and equations lead her on a path to uncover ultimate happiness.