
  •   Golden Bear winner Peter Mackie Burns has started shooting his London-set debut feature Daphne, production company The Bureau has revealed.  Emily Beecham [pictured] - who features in the cast of Berlinale opening film Hail, Caesar! - plays the titular Daphne, a young Londoner with a frenetic lifestyle who decides she needs to change her life after witnessing a violent robbery.  The Bureau producers Tristan Goligher and Valentina Brazzini developed the project in-house. The BFI and Creative Scotland are the main financiers of the film, together with The Bureau.  The company’s Paris-based sister company, The Bureau Sales, is handling international rights.  Mackie Burns won the Golden Bear for best short film in 2005 for Milk, about a girl trying to bathe her grandmother.  Nico Mensinga wrote the screenplay for Daphne in his second collaboration with Mackie Burns after the short Happy Birthday To Me, also starring Beecham.  The Daphne shoot kicks-off amid a high-profile year for The Bureau following the success of Andrew Haigh’s 45 Years, which won two Silver Bears for the lead performances of Charlotte Rampling and Tom Courtenay in Berlin last year, with Rampling also receiving an Oscar nomination, and is up for Outstanding British Film at tonight’s Baftas.  “Peter Mackie Burns has made some visceral performance driven shorts including the award-winning Milk,” said Lizzie Francke, BFI senior production and development executive. “It is great to be able to support him on the next stage of his film career
  • 讲述了故事讲述偶像练习生与食堂销售员之间的爱情故事。Kaeng从没想过自己的梦想,直到遇见了Moo,从此他的梦想有了方向。但自己的存在将妨碍到Moo,当成名之路和爱情之路交错时,会如何选择?   ~~改编自peachhplease的小说《khae thi kaeng》(?????????)。
  •   在世界著名男高音鲁契亚诺·帕瓦罗蒂逝世十周年之际,一部官方授权纪录片宣布立项,由好莱坞著名导演朗·霍华德执导。帕瓦罗蒂1935年出生,2007年因癌症去世,这部未命名纪录片的拍摄将会得到包括帕瓦罗蒂遗产委员会、环球音乐以及Decca唱片等相关部门的全力支持与合作。该片还未确定上映时间。  作为好莱坞大导演,人物传记片是朗·霍华德最擅长的类型片之一。
  • 剧情 
  •   《我母亲的消失》是一部激进的纪录片,它诞生于一个渴望解放自己的母亲和一个渴望利用电影媒介与她保持亲密关系的儿子之间的一系列对抗之中。从个人为控制而进行的激烈斗争开始,它就转变成一个深度协作的项目,一个试图纠正几十年来由相机压抑的目光造成的伤害的项目。  Benedetta Barzini是一位受人尊敬的意大利模特,她通过成为一名记者和教授打破了陈规陋习,并通过公开批评时尚界根深蒂固的厌恶情绪而臭名昭著。但是现在,在她70多岁的时候,巴兹尼对图像世界的厌恶已经加深到一个存在主义的危机中。她悄悄地、毫无预兆地收拾好行李,告诉儿子贝尼阿米诺,她打算永远从物质世界消失。贝尼阿米诺惊恐万状,设计了一个计划,他希望允许她面对-而不是逃跑-她最不信任的东西:相机。通过拍摄她的电影,他打算挽救他母亲的真实本质,并保存她的叙事。
  • 喜剧 
  • 恐怖 
    Grounded in South African folklore, this moody, menacing supernatural thriller follows a white family newly arrived on an inherited farm. Soon after moving in, they meet a mysterious local outcast named Lazarus, who carries with him a dark secret that will put everyone at risk. With evocative images, spine-tingling sound-design, and a terrific central performance by Tshamano Se...
  • 剧情 
  • 喜剧 
    A brilliant business lawyer, Laura is about to become a partner. For that, she must return to the small tropical island where she grew up, and convince her childhood friend, Chip, to replace her billionaire grandfather at the head of the company he created. Not at all interested, Chop offers Laura a deal: for every moment of fun or relaxation she can afford, he will read a page...
  • 恐怖 
    Gone Ghosting是一个受欢迎的捉鬼团队,通过直播和销售赚取了数百万美元。一天,团队的摄影师离开并泄露团队编造剧情。其他年轻人为了证明一切是属实,准备现场直播捉鬼。他们闯入一个传说中无人生还的地方,进行了有史以来最疯狂的现场直播。
  • 喜剧 
    A chamber orchestra is working out of a rundown theatre in Reykjavik. Financial hardship places a great strain on the band and the lead violinist, Sigrun. The annual grant from the city is coming to an end so the band hires a world renowned cellist in order to save the band. The media goes wild and money starts to flow to the band again. Too bad the cellist is not a very nice p...
  • 《恐龙》讲述的是30多岁的自闭症女性妮娜(阿什利•斯托里饰)喜欢和姐姐兼闺蜜伊维生活在一起的故事。然而,当伊薇匆匆订婚,让尼娜做她的伴娘时,尼娜被打倒了。被迫与姐姐的冲动决定和解,尼娜努力应对这个新的挑战意味着什么。Nina和姐姐的关系并不是她唯一的改变,她在古生物学生涯中探索了新的可能性,在善良的Lee的介绍下,她在自己的生活中建立了一段潜在的新关系,Lee帮助Nina以更积极的态度看待这些新的挑战。随着两人关系的发展,我们看到Nina对Lee的帮助和Lee对Nina的帮助一样多。
  •   当全球大流行迫使一名电视女演员逃离她的农村故乡时,入侵她的过去被证明像入侵病毒一样危险。
  • 剧情 
    This is a story of a young man named Kenny Stanford who had dreams of being an Successful artist in the music industry, but these dreams were cut short.
  • 喜剧 
    The general manager at a highway-side ''sports bar with curves" has her incurable optimism and faith, in her girls, her customers, and herself, tested over the course of a long, strange day.
  • 剧情 
  • 爱情 
      佐莎·马梅特、斯科特·斯比德曼出演奇幻爱情电影[幽灵女孩](Shadow Girl,暂译)。作品由克劳迪娅·迈克斯自编自导。女孩霍莉在其母亲去世后,身体逐渐变得隐形,她作为狗仔摄影记者在阴影中生活了十余年,直到遇见了一个落魄的前MMA综合格斗冠军,而这个男人是唯一能看见她的人。
  • 欧美 
      Dinosaur follows Nina (Ashley Storrie), an autistic woman in her 30s, who adores her life living with her sister and best friend Evie. However, when Evie rushes into an engagement after only six weeks and makes Nina her maid of honour, Nina is floored. Forced to reconcile with her sister’s impulsive decision, Nina grapples with what this new challenge means.  Nina’s relationship with her sister isn’t the only change that she’s navigating, as she explores new possibilities in her palaeontology career and a potential new relationship in her own life with the introduction of kind-hearted Lee, who helps Nina to see these new challenges in a more positive light. As their relationship blossoms, we see that Nina helps Lee just as much as he helps her.
  •   A heartfelt adventure about a milquetoast accountant, Medor, whose perfect life is ruined when he discovers his wife having an affair with his boss. Having lost everything, he finds refuge in his estranged, deadbeat nephew and together, they chase his old, forgotten dream: opening a restaurant.
  • 恐怖 
    一个酗酒的二逼必须跟另一帮沙漠里面脑子有病的残忍土老帽儿玩儿被猎杀的游戏,你觉着他能坚持到最后么   五名酗酒者, 成为贝德福德平原狩猎小镇的狩猎对象, 而沃伦则是佼佼者, 他们与镇民展开了输死搏斗, 面对全副武装的镇民, 他们能否逃出升天?   得知前女友在墨西哥過世而且留下他們的女兒,酒鬼沃倫決定當個好父親,開始戒酒並前去接回女兒。途經一座沙漠小鎮停車休息,卻在當地意外陷入昏迷;再醒來後,沃倫發現自己恰巧遇上小鎮的狩獵季節,而獵物竟是沃倫與其他旅客!除了要應付鎮民的瘋狂追殺,同時還要克服不斷襲來的戒斷症狀,沃 倫能否順利逃出沙漠,與女兒共享天倫之樂?