
  •   Dead bodies are piling up, and the leads the two LA homicide cops have point to Barbara, business manager for a successful architectural firm she runs with her husband Lance. The dead men were interns at the firm, and each of them was Barbara's lover (kept in a classy flat she owns and observed via closed-circuit TV by the applauding Lance). Kyle is Barbara's latest intern and lover, and he may be in danger. He also starts to fall in love with Barbara, and the feeling may be mutual. In the background are Erin, Lance and Barbara's myopic administrative assistant, and Tony, Kyle's one-time roommate who also knows Barbara. Can the cops solve this before too many more die?
  • 伦理 
    三个年轻漂亮的女人被欺骗和主伊舍伍德诱惑。当他们的计划为复仇偶然地杀害了他,主的吉普赛保护娜塔莎放置在三个诅咒,将它们放入一个百年的睡眠。 100多年后,三人都当主伊舍伍德的美国后裔前来参观的家庭财产惊醒。这位年轻的女士们想无非就是让自己的生活和弥补失去的时间,但娜塔莎还没有准备好让他们离开。英文名:Hidden Beauties (1999)