
  • 记录 
      Terminally ill Janette wants to die with dignity, but it’s not possible in the UK, where she lives. She therefore decides for assisted suicide. She must plan her journey to Switzerland before her rapidly advancing disease makes it impossible. The question of whether we own our own lives or whether they own us is the primary impetus behind this documentary portrait, which shows that death can be good despite the sadness that always accompanies it. The film, with dramatically suggestive camera work, uses feature film techniques, and engaging characters and stories of their loved ones are interwoven with Janette’s story.  "Let's talk about death because we will all die someday. The question is: can we choose when and how? I think we should." T. Krupa
  • 剧情 
      罗密欧(威尔·基南 Will Keenan 饰)是一个非常孤独的男孩,在一次偶然中,他邂逅了名为朱丽叶(Jane Jensen 饰)的女孩,一见钟情的两人之间迅速碰撞出了激情的火花。然而,朱丽叶的爸爸是一个非常自私和恶毒的男人,他不仅对这对小情侣棒打鸳鸯,还逼迫朱丽叶嫁给粗鲁的屠夫。  对于父亲的安排,倔强的朱丽叶当然是一百个不愿意,她选择了用离家出走来对抗父亲的残暴统治,这不仅惹恼了父亲,还惹恼了屠夫。屠夫一路追踪朱丽叶和罗密欧的踪迹,想要将他们赶尽杀绝。为了躲避屠夫,朱丽叶让法师将她变成了一只样貌丑陋的野兽,父亲一怒之下连自己的女儿都打算杀死。
  • 记录 
      My film diaries 1970-1979: my marriage, children are born, you see them growing up. Footage of daily life, fragments of happiness and beauty, trips to France, Italy, Spain, Austria. Seasons of the year as they pass through New York. Friends, home life, nature, unending search for moments of beauty and celebration of life friendships, feelings, brief moments of happiness. The film is also my love poem to New York. It’s the ultimate Dogme movie, before the birth of Dogme. —Jonas Mekas
  • 恶噬力
