
  • 冲动

  • 剧情 
  • 剧情 
  • 喜剧 
    杀手托尼(Rick Kavanian 饰)这次的行动目标是作家普佐(Reinhard Brock 饰),后者即将出版的一本书的内容惹恼了黑道上的大人物,作为行业内的资深元老,此次的任务对于托尼来说毫无难度,搞定收工仅在一瞬间。没想到,一个名叫茱莉亚(诺拉·茨切纳 Nora Tschirner 饰)的女人的出现却搅乱了托尼的计划,同时也搅乱了托尼心中的一池春水,托尼坠入了情网。   茱莉亚是一个职业生涯危在旦夕的小小编辑,拿下普佐的作品的出版权成为了她救命的稻草。眼看着心爱的女人即将因为自己的缘故丢掉工作,于心不忍的托尼将计就计成为了普佐的替身。没想到这一冲动的举动为两人惹来了无数的麻烦,在逃避同行追杀的同时,托尼还要想方设法让自己的谎言不至于露馅。
  • 科幻 
      Set 200 years in the future, a small band of rebels face off against the status quo where humans have achieved immortality through genetic engineering
  •   英国菲律宾裔新秀导演派瑞斯札西亚一鸣惊人获得SXSW影展评审团大奖和代表最佳首作雷鸟新星奖的《邪厄恩典》,描述来自菲律宾的女家事清洁工,没有签注只能偷带着女儿在伦敦各处打黑工,从新雇主手上获得郊区阴森豪宅的工作,她将女儿偷渡进屋,调皮的女儿却不理会警告到处溜达,眼看她误打误撞,即将掀开潘多拉的盒子。导演从自身移民族群视角出发,将对外籍移工处境的批判,藏在邪恶惊悚的暗黑歌德美学之中,有着童话故事《蓝胡子》般的神秘张力,却难以预料角色关系与剧情发展,不到最后,不知谁死谁手。
  •   丽莎和丹尼这对好友同为失眠所苦,总是和彼此聊天到深夜。两人一起经历各种古怪又奇妙的惊喜事件,感情也日益加深。
  •   继收视和口碑均表现喜人的《白屋农场谋杀案》《丹斯》后,ITV预定了下一部真实罪案类剧集《约克郡开膛手 The Yorkshire Ripper》(暂定名)。  《杀死伊芙》《审讯室:英国》编剧George Kay负责剧本,《白屋农场谋杀案》导演执导。  本剧共6集,基于Michael Bilton的书籍《Wicked Beyond Belief: The Hunt for the Yorkshire Ripper》创作,将讲述世界上最臭名昭著、令人震惊的连环杀手案件之一,即对被称为"约克郡开膛手"的Peter Sutcliffe的追捕。  在1975年10月至1981年1月期间,警方进行了英国犯罪史上最大规模的搜捕行动。对Sutcliffe的搜寻持续了五年,有超过一千名警员参与,彻底改变了英国警方的工作方式。  该剧不会仅仅着墨于警方的工作,还会聚焦受害者和他们的家属,以及那些被袭击却不被他人相信、生活被永久改变的人们。编剧George Kay表示:"这不是一个讲述约克郡开膛手的故事,而是约克郡如何被撕裂的故事。"
  •   《上层男孩》第五季最终季。
  • Five best friends trying to do the right thing in heartlake city, whilst trying to figure out friendships and what's important along the way.  五个最好的朋友试图在中心湖城市做正确的事情,同时试图找出友谊和什么是重要的一路。
  • 剧情 
      Appropriately, her own 14th arrondissement (specifically Rue Daguerre) is a source of pleasure for the protagonist (Jasmine Thiré) and viewer, having been photographed carefully, beautifully, and lovingly. The first word that this all brought to mind way “playful,” and I’m pleased that my simple descriptor is something Varda would consider appropriate. Says her, “It’s playing a game with reality. The game is called cinema.”
  • 剧情 
      Alex, is a twenty-something year old creative based in Manila. She is out to most people except her best friend- Jess who she has been secretly in love with since they were kids. When Jess discovers the truth about Alex, they are forced to confront the feelings they have for each other.
  • 剧情 
      Fifteen year-old Taylor Collins is a golf legacy. The son of a PGA veteran, the younger brother of a PGA rookie, he has all the talent in the world-but wants nothing to do with golf or the pressure of being the next in line. After Taylor purposely blows his tryout for the school team, his disappointed father takes a drive that ends in a texting-while-driving accident and lands him in a coma. Taylor blames himself and, with the guidance of his brother and the prayer support from his mother Jenny and newfound crush Bailey, makes it his mission to get back on the team and become the first freshman in state history to lead his team to a state championship. Faith, hope, and love bring Taylor and his family closer than ever and he learns that the greatest way to honor his father and his God is to embrace the gifts and talents he was given.
  • 剧情 
      Police officer Jane Rydert's life goes into a tailspin the day her older sister, Cassidy, shows up at her door after sixteen years of confinement in a psychiatric hospital.
  • 松香

    Male choir and female director. A family and a small community need bindings, in order to face the challenges of future.
  • 索尔玛

      Soorma is the story of the triumph of the human spirit, about a player, who made headlines for his miraculous comeback after facing a near death experience through sheer determination, hard work and unrelenting passion for the sport.
  • 剧情 
      一位在韩国城做卡拉ok女招待的年轻女子在父亲生命的最后几天与她疏远的兄弟重逢。  卡西(Kasie)住在洛杉矶的韩国城(Koreatown),她是一名卡拉ok女招待,靠酒醉的男人陪伴赚钱。当她父亲的临终关怀护士离职后,她与分居的弟弟凯里重新联系,迫使他们进入了一个强烈的自我反省时期,因为抚养他们长大的单身父亲即将离世。
  • 剧情 
  • 剧情 
      Born in the generational Los Angeles street culture a 19-year-old father seeks a better life in the midst of a turf war.
  • 喜剧 