搜索“Kathryn Gr”相关结果

  • 喜剧 
      心里阴暗的哈里队长深夜潜入局长办公室,找到了拉萨雷校长年届退休的证据,哈里志满意得,认为这是顶替拉萨雷的绝好机会。另一方面,校长又送走了一批毕业生,在典礼上,官方宣布了拉萨雷即将退休的消息,而一生兢兢业业的校长也得到了在迈阿密颁发的十年来最佳警官的荣誉。拉萨雷校长携高塔(Bubba Smith 饰)、卡伦、泰克布雷、琼斯(Michael Winslow 饰)等一干优秀警校毕业生,与哈里一同赶往迈阿密参加警方盛典。在出机场时,拉萨雷误将窃贼团伙装有赃物珠宝的手提袋拿走,无法向委托人交差的窃贼们只有在24小时内从拉萨雷处娶回珠宝才有活命的希望。参加盛典的警校精英们在迈阿密享受着美妙的阳光,不知危险正在暗中逼近……
  • 剧情 
      本·普拉特(《致埃文·汉森》)、妮娜·杜波夫、Mena Massoud(《阿拉丁》)和戴米恩·刘易斯将主演新片《主宰这座城》(Run This Town) , Ricky Tollman编写剧本,并首执导筒。讲述一个年轻记者(普拉特)急于证明自己,他发现了一桩丑闻,涉及到一名浮华的、不可预测的政客(刘易斯),政客的助手们(杜波夫和Massoud)试图牵制住他们的老板,为保住工作而进行秘密行动。 Randy Manis(《总统杀机》《杀死汝爱》)、 Jonathan Bronfman(《帕蒂蛋糕$》《星图》)制片。
  • 喜剧 
      Follows Raj Patel, who is an expert at math but is also secretly obsessed with his late father's dream of becoming a rap musician, and he almost loses everything in his attempt to achieve multiple goals in life.
  • 欧美 
      Thirteen year-old Holly Hobbie lives with her family in Collinsville, a picture perfect North American small town with main-street values. Each episode follows Holly trying to make the world a better place, while tackling the everyday challenges of growing up – from bullies to breakouts, crushes to curfews.  Holly’s principle mission in Season 1 is saving the struggling Calico Café which is run by her grandmother, as her relationship with Amy (best friend since the age of two) is tested by the arrival of new girl in town, Piper.  Holly is a budding singer/songwriter, and catchy original music performed by Holly (Ruby Jay, 485k IG followers) connects which each episode’s plot during live performances at Holly’s open-mic events at the Café.