搜索“Kentucker ”相关结果

  • A heartbroken Christmas-tree salesman returns to New York City hoping to put his past behind him. Living in a trailer and working the night shift, he begins to spiral downwards until the saving of a mysterious woman and some colorful customers rescue him from self-destruction.
  • 圣餐

    媒体从业人员帕特里克·卡特(肯塔克尔·德利 Kentucker Audley 饰)意外联系到了失踪许久的姐姐卡罗琳(艾米·西米茨 Amy Seimetz 饰)。卡罗琳当初曾在戒毒所治疗,如今住进了一个名为“圣伊甸园”的地方,并自称过上了乌托邦般的生活。为了弄清姐姐的下落,帕特里克和同事兼好友山姆·特纳(AJ·鲍恩 AJ Bowen 饰)、杰克·威廉姆斯(乔·斯万博格 Joe Swanberg 饰)启程前往圣伊甸园的所在地调查。这座乐园位于一个鲜为人知的隐秘所在,许许多多生活中经历痛苦和坎坷的人们,在“父亲”(吉恩·琼斯 Gene Jones 饰)的感召和抚慰下重获新生。   出于媒体人的敏感,山姆取得了和“父亲”对谈的机会,但他却从对方幽默机智的谈吐中嗅到了一丝杀气……
  • 爱情 
      A heartbroken Christmas-tree salesman returns to New York City hoping to put his past behind him. Living in a trailer and working the night shift, he begins to spiral downwards until the saving of a mysterious woman and some colorful customers rescue him from self-destruction.