
  • 美人计

    二战刚刚结束,莉亚(英格丽·褒曼 Ingrid Bergman饰)作为战犯的女儿被美国联邦调查局相中,利用她对父亲罪恶的负疚和其父在纳粹阵营内的关系网络,深入调查纳粹首脑契巴斯(克劳德·雷恩斯Claude Rains饰),获得情报将其定罪。联邦调查员迪奥(加里·格兰特Cary Grant饰)在与莉亚合作的过程中,深深爱上这个迷人的姑娘。然而二人感情还是要服从国家利益,因此他将私情搁置一边,忍痛让莉亚成为契巴斯身边的女人。莉亚深深失望的同时,也在契巴斯的生活中充当了间谍的角色,处于危机四伏的环境当中。   等到莉亚终于发现了契巴斯的关键情报,不料却被契巴斯发现了自己的真实身份。然而,契巴斯也有自己投鼠忌器的顾虑,为了置莉亚于死地,契巴斯设计了一个不动声色的计谋。莉亚境况堪忧,间谍计划悬念重重。
  • Kafka's strained relationship with domineering father and intriguing affairs with Bauer, Jesenská and Diamant explored, along with meaningful camaraderie with Brod.
  • 欧美 
      Kafka's strained relationship with domineering father and intriguing affairs with Bauer, Jesenská and Diamant explored, along with meaningful camaraderie with Brod.
  • 剧情 
    讲述在莫斯科50年代一群年轻人为了听另类的音乐、穿另类的服饰、坚持独特的方式而寻找自我和与社会抗争的故事。   影片开头讲诉的是50年代的前苏联一群叛逆的青年想要自由,和别人不一样,在大环境下显示出鲜明的对比,画面色彩部分尤为强烈,随着剧情的深入,这种封闭的社会和开放的意识形成强烈的冲突。男主角的改变到对女主角的爱加上朋友之间的感情,父亲对孩子的支持理解,让影片有一种浓浓的人文关怀,导演在优美的歌舞中传达着对那个年代的自我封闭一种反抗,不过不失,不卑不亢,彰显功力,镜头的运用,剪切的手法均属一流,歌舞桥段也保留着俄罗斯的风格,对爵士音乐的渲染也体现了追求自由的深度。   俄罗斯一直盛产美女,影片中的女主角们都十分养眼,Oksana Akinshina和永远的莉莉亚那个时候比只是成熟了许多,并没有太大的改变。   谁都曾经青春年少,电影中部分情节点出了人始终要成长...
  • 剧情 
    19世纪末期在俄国帝国发生的故事。前gendarme 军团司令员, 现任西伯利亚州长兼将军 Hrapov 从莫斯科到西伯利亚,途中在快车上被害,他是在火车上的大臣车厢内被一个陌生人杀死的。可是根据守卫的报告, Hrapov是被国会议员Erast Petrovich Fandorin(Oleg Menshikov)行刺的。后者当Hrapov 在莫斯科逗留期间是负责他的保安的。可是当Hrapov守卫来到莫斯科认识真正的Fandorin 时,他们相识凶手是冒认国会议员的。 现在Fandorin 马上开始调查,誓言把真凶绳之以法。
  • 剧情 
  • 动作 
    有人正在勒索中央情报局——通过暗杀外国记者,并栽赃CIA。 当世界开始联合起来反对美国时,中央情报局必须出动他们最聪明且叛逆的特工重返江湖,迫使他面对自己曲折的过去,同时揭开一个国际阴谋。
  • 剧情 
  • 音乐

  • 剧情 
      入围第71届柏林电影节全景单元。  Belgrade in 1993. The pent-up tension of uncertain times is released at a children’s birthday party. While the kids celebrate in the living room dressed up as Ninja Turtles, the adults discuss, flirt, smoke and drink in the kitchen.
  • 基恩

    By 1820, Edmund Kean is the most admired Shakespearan actor. But if his art is peerless, his free lifestyle is ill thought of, particularly by the high society. Kean has fallen passionately in love with Countess Elena de Koefeld, the wife of the ambassador of Denmark. Elena loves him too but hesitates to give up her rank in society and follow Kean. On the other hand, Anna, a rich heiress who refuses to marry Lord Mewill, the husband chosen by her parents, confesses her love for Kean and decides to become an actress like him... The aristocrats, outraged by Edmund's profligate ways, decide to boycott his performances and his career is broken. Kean does not recover from such a blow and, on a stormy night, dies in Elena's arms.
  • 剧情 
      Parajanov's diploma film for the VGIK, based on the Moldavian fairy tale by Emilian Bukov.  A young shepherd is given a magical instrument from a giant.
  • 剧情 
  • 总路线

      Due to some common interests between German and Russian aristocracy ( the Russians even had aristocrats in their past not to mention they had an Empress called Catherine the Great, as great as this German count's heiresses… ), it is not strange that this Teutonic count has understood and even enjoyed Herr S. M. Eisenstein's "Staroye I Novoye".  It is not very usual that for the aristocracy to enjoy Bolshevist films full of proletarian demands that put private property at risk or as it happens in this case, a film about the Communist Party's policy on the subject of the collectivization of the Soviet agriculture. Normally this would be perfect gibberish for this German count, but thanks to Herr Eisenstein 's greatness and directorial talent, the hardships of the heroine of the film, Dame Marfa ( Dame Marfa Lapkina ) breached even the thick aristocratic Schloss walls.  And that's one of the first remarkable aspects of this oeuvre; in spite of the political subject of the film, the powerful images and lyricism ( astonishing and beautiful shot compositions ), especially during the first part of the movie, preserve the artistic merits entirely while serving a propaganda purpose. The second remarkable aspect of the film is the dichotomy between the old and new, the fight to improve the lot of Dame Marfa and her countrymen. There are many discussions because it is not easy even in Russia to change ancient and conservative customs. There are superb metaphors and social criticism ( illiteracy, bureaucracy, religiosity ) which perfectly fit the film, and last but not least, "Staroye I Novoye", is a kind of archaic documentary about ancient customs established deeply in old Russia, those ones that our heroine must fight against. And there is also a lot about agriculture ( very enlightening for this German count), especially about harvesting and how to fatten Russian cows or pigs ( literally, no pun here… ).  Herr Eisenstein had to bear during the last era of his film career, unbelievable censorship and mutilation of his work, as happens with "Staroye I Novoye". The film was reedited and Eisenstein accused of sympathizing with Trostky's policies but fortunately the film was restored and showed by the German-frenchified t.v. channel "ARTE", natürlich!, including an evocative music score by Herr Taras Bujewski, that fits superbly Herr Eisenstein primal artistic interests.  And now, if you'll allow me, I must temporarily take my leave because this German Count must buy a tractor for one of his Teutonic heiress.
  •   2013年,世界政府全面废除死刑,监狱挤满了暴力与逃亡者之时,国际团体打造一个新实验称作"冰魔岛",一个位在北冰洋的偏僻小岛。在这里,所有的囚犯都是居民,没有警卫看守,犯人们必须学习生存三个月… 所有的犯人开始焦躁不安并起了纠纷,他们分成不同派系互相仇敌,在管理员丢下钥匙离开後,整座岛上无人看守,犯人们为了争夺食物大开杀戒,每个派系的囚犯建造了属於他们自己的监狱规则,在管辖范围里反抗者就是死! 伊凡乔吉维奇 - 是个杀了二十个人的连续杀人犯,他决定自行开创他们的路,但是当冬天来临,他发现他们无法活著回去,最後似乎只有一个方法可行.......
  • 剧情 
      Disney+将开发一部关于篮球运动员扬尼斯·阿德托昆博的影片[希腊怪物](Greek Freak,暂译)。该片由阿拉什·阿梅尔([私人战争])操刀剧本,故事将围绕扬尼斯的早期生活及职业现状展开。扬尼斯为尼日利亚裔希腊籍篮球运动员,绰号为“希腊怪物”,司职大前锋,现效力于NBA的密尔沃基雄鹿队。
  • 莎莎,一位美丽的年轻摄影师,发现她的情人,一个成功的艺术家,被谋杀了。警察怀疑她,凶手们想让她安静下来。当她试图解决这个秘密的时候,她开始四处奔跑。
  • 剧情 
    “我不在乎你是否完全属于我……只要我爱的人一直在我身旁,即使他爱的是别人。”  1942年巴黎,Jean(杰瑞米·雷乃 Jérémie Renier 饰)和Philippe(布鲁诺·托德契尼 Bruno Todeschini 饰)这两位青年同志恋人冒着生命危险,庇护一个孩童时的犹太朋友-Sarah Yvonne(露易丝·莫诺特 Louise Monot 饰),她的家人都被盖世太保杀害了。他们三人挣扎求存,在这个没有怜悯的社会组成一个临时家庭。Jean的不肖兄弟Jacques(尼古拉斯·高布 Nicolas Gob 饰)是个盖世太保的走狗,他出现后,他们三人的关系受到威胁。当Jean的同志身份被暴露,并且被指控与一名纳粹分子有染之时,一场悲剧正在徐徐展开……
  • 雁南飞

      本部电影讲述身处硝烟弥漫的战争年代,一对热恋中男女青年的悲情爱情故事。薇罗尼卡(塔吉娅娜·萨莫依洛娃 Tatyana Samojlova饰)和鲍里斯(阿勒克塞·巴塔洛夫 Aleksey Batalov饰)本是沉浸在甜蜜热恋中的幸福情侣,可随着战争的爆发,这一切的美好即将 破灭。鲍里斯参军,薇罗尼卡的父母在敌机的轰炸中双亡,悲痛欲绝的她只能寄宿在鲍里斯父亲的家中。鲍里斯的表弟趁机占有了她,薇罗尼卡受到众人指责。双重打击下的薇罗尼卡本想一死了之,可心中仍苦苦等待着鲍里斯的归来。当得知鲍里斯牺牲的消息后,薇罗尼卡彻底绝望了。战争结束,当所有人都在庆祝胜利的时候,薇罗尼卡也双手捧着鲜花来到广场上。这时,一行大雁在空中飞过,就像当初的美好时光一样。  本片一经问世,就轰动了整个世界影坛,以其绝美的光影对比,绝佳的镜头运用,一举荣获1958年戛纳国际电影节金棕榈奖和摄影大奖。
  • 战争 
      In the spring of 1945 a train deporting hundreds of Jewish prisoners gets stranded near a small German village occupied by the Red Army. Condemned to each other and in a context of deep mistrust, desperation and revenge, an unexpected friendship emerges between Russian sniper Vera, village girl Winnie and Jewish-Dutch woman Simone