
  • 科幻 
    比尔-科特内博士是个成功的科学家,他有一个漂亮的未婚妻叫詹-康普顿。在一次严重的车祸中比尔的未婚妻身首异处,比尔博士闻讯后他将詹的头带回实验室,依靠一种液体来维持未婚妻的生命。   比尔博士为了让未婚妻复活,产生邪念,他想杀死一名女子来获得她的身躯嫁接到未婚妻的头颅上。未婚妻詹此时处在阴阳之间,她认为自己应该死去,而却被比尔置于这种状态中,而对比尔产生仇恨。她通过心灵感应召唤了原来关在实验室的变异怪物,杀死了博士的助手。   博士寻找的了自己的目标,使用迷药叫一名女子带回了实验室,但遭到的詹的反对,这是怪物从锁的房间跑出来,这个怪物其实是博士许多次试验的失败品。它有7英尺高,最后博士被杀死了,实验室被大火吞没,而怪物带着那名女子逃跑了,詹与实验室一起化为灰烬。
  • 剧情 
  • 迈克尔在大学毕业后回家,他的舅舅劳伦斯希望他能运用自己写剧本的天赋来自己的电影工作室帮忙,但是一心想要闯进好莱坞的迈克尔根本瞧不上他的小工作室。直到舅舅的工作室忽现财务危机,乔伊的背叛、工作室竞争对手的挖墙脚,迈克尔终于意识到什么才是真正的梦想,他决定放弃自己曾经幼稚的想法,开始真正的承担起生活的责任。
  • 仇杀

      When his daughter is brutally murdered and legal justice looks unlikely, William Duncan takes the law into his own hands, setting out on a quest for retribution. After killing the street thug who was directly responsible for her death, he finds himself in the middle of a war with the thug's brother, Rory Fetter, and his gang, who are equally hell-bent on getting even for their fallen member. What ensues is a tense back-and-forth game of one man's thirst for vengeance over another's. William comes to find that the quest for revenge always has the same ending.by:tuikan.cc
  • 救急

      短片改编。  Ready for a night of partying, a group of Black and Latino college students must weigh the pros and cons of calling the police when faced with an emergency.
  •   在某次事故中,因女吸血鬼没有及时吸光歹徒的血,使他也变成了吸血鬼,且拥有强大的力量,足以危害匹兹堡,她和她的地下刑警男朋友要共同阻止这场灾难发生......
  •   改编自伊恩·麦奎尔所著同名获奖小说,聚焦19世纪一次灾难性的捕鲸活动。故事围绕帕特里克·萨姆纳(杰克·奥康奈尔 饰)展开,他是一名声名狼藉的前战地医生,后成为捕鲸船上的医生,在船上遇到了鱼叉手亨利·德拉克斯(科林·法瑞尔 饰),一个残忍、不道德的杀手。萨姆纳没有逃离过去的恐惧,而是被迫在北极荒原上为生存而进行残酷的斗争。
  • 伦理 
    英文名:Zwei Kumpel in Tirol (1978),早起西德时期性喜剧电影 hellip; hellip;
  • 记录 
      Imagine being able to watch as Edison turned on the first light bulb, or as Franklin received his first jolt of electricity.  For the first time, a film gives audiences a front row seat to a significant and inspiring scientific breakthrough as it happens. Particle Fever follows six brilliant scientists during the launch of the Large Hadron Collider, marking the start-up of the biggest and most expensive experiment in the history of the planet, pushing the edge of human innovation.  As they seek to unravel the mysteries of the universe, 10,000 scientists from over 100 countries joined forces in pursuit of a single goal: to recreate conditions that existed just moments after the Big Bang and find the Higgs boson, potentially explaining the origin of all matter. But our heroes confront an even bigger challenge: have we reached our limit in understanding why we exist?  Directed by Mark Levinson, a physicist turned filmmaker, from the inspiration and initiative of producer David Kaplan and masterfully edited by Walter Murch (Apocalypse Now, The English Patient, The Godfather trilogy), Particle Fever is a celebration of discovery, revealing the very human stories behind this epic machine.
  • 喜剧 
      梅尔(本·斯蒂勒 Ben Stiller 饰)是一名昆虫学家,他和妻子南希(帕特丽夏·阿奎特 Patricia Arquette 饰)之间的感情十分恩爱,最近,南希刚刚诞下了两人爱情的结晶,让整个家庭都笼罩在喜悦之中。然而,这个孩子的降生让梅尔开始思考起了自己的人生,梅尔自幼失去了父母,由养父母抚养长大,梅尔希望能够在有生之年里见一见自己的亲生父母。  就这样,不顾养父母的反对和阻挠,梅尔带着妻儿踏上了寻根之旅,和他们一起上路的,还有领养机构的工作人员蒂娜(蒂娅·里欧妮 Tea Leoni 饰)。蒂娜刚刚经历过一段失败的婚姻,此时的她整个人都处于一种饥渴的状态之下,而南希似乎患上了产后抑郁症。